Before And After Makeup Transformations (52 pics)

  • Category: Girls  |
  • 1 Aug, 2014  |
  • Views: 24505  |
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Make up can turn someone into a whole new person. It's that powerful. Make artist Melissa Murphy recently showed off some incredible makeup transformations on her Instagram.

1 Before And After Makeup Transformations (52 pics)

2 Before And After Makeup Transformations (52 pics)

3 Before And After Makeup Transformations (52 pics)

4 Before And After Makeup Transformations (52 pics)

5 Before And After Makeup Transformations (52 pics)

6 Before And After Makeup Transformations (52 pics)

7 Before And After Makeup Transformations (52 pics)

8 Before And After Makeup Transformations (52 pics)

9 Before And After Makeup Transformations (52 pics)

10 Before And After Makeup Transformations (52 pics)

11 Before And After Makeup Transformations (52 pics)

12 Before And After Makeup Transformations (52 pics)

13 Before And After Makeup Transformations (52 pics)

14 Before And After Makeup Transformations (52 pics)

15 Before And After Makeup Transformations (52 pics)

16 Before And After Makeup Transformations (52 pics)

17 Before And After Makeup Transformations (52 pics)

18 Before And After Makeup Transformations (52 pics)

19 Before And After Makeup Transformations (52 pics)

20 Before And After Makeup Transformations (52 pics)

21 Before And After Makeup Transformations (52 pics)

22 Before And After Makeup Transformations (52 pics)

23 Before And After Makeup Transformations (52 pics)

24 Before And After Makeup Transformations (52 pics)

25 Before And After Makeup Transformations (52 pics)

26 Before And After Makeup Transformations (52 pics)

27 Before And After Makeup Transformations (52 pics)

28 Before And After Makeup Transformations (52 pics)

29 Before And After Makeup Transformations (52 pics)

30 Before And After Makeup Transformations (52 pics)

31 Before And After Makeup Transformations (52 pics)

32 Before And After Makeup Transformations (52 pics)

33 Before And After Makeup Transformations (52 pics)

34 Before And After Makeup Transformations (52 pics)

35 Before And After Makeup Transformations (52 pics)

36 Before And After Makeup Transformations (52 pics)

37 Before And After Makeup Transformations (52 pics)

38 Before And After Makeup Transformations (52 pics)

39 Before And After Makeup Transformations (52 pics)

40 Before And After Makeup Transformations (52 pics)

41 Before And After Makeup Transformations (52 pics)

42 Before And After Makeup Transformations (52 pics)

43 Before And After Makeup Transformations (52 pics)

44 Before And After Makeup Transformations (52 pics)

45 Before And After Makeup Transformations (52 pics)

46 Before And After Makeup Transformations (52 pics)

47 Before And After Makeup Transformations (52 pics)

48 Before And After Makeup Transformations (52 pics)

49 Before And After Makeup Transformations (52 pics)

50 Before And After Makeup Transformations (52 pics)

51 Before And After Makeup Transformations (52 pics)

52 Before And After Makeup Transformations (52 pics)

Source: 1, 2

№1 Author: No1 (1 Aug 2014 03:22) Total user comments: 1621

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Porn stars.
№2 Author: randomdude735 (1 Aug 2014 04:29) Total user comments: 506

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Is it just me or do they look better with out all the make up?
№3 Author: saint357 (1 Aug 2014 13:24) Total user comments: 2366

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without cause as every one knows the truth shall set you free and GOD why would you want to cover all that up?
№4 Author: Phynix4 (1 Aug 2014 14:44) Total user comments: 5461

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not bad, but I tend to agree, being a natural kind of guy myself.
№5 Author: Tomaz86 (1 Aug 2014 15:05) Total user comments: 10834

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Miracles of makeup. :37:
№6 Author: teddy wrecker (1 Aug 2014 21:59) Total user comments: 0

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Most of the girls looked better without. The ones that did look better seemed to fall into two categories the girls whose hair made a difference e.g. the girl who used her hair to cover her massive forehead and the other category being the girls who used very little make in particular very little cover up/blush. Eye shadow can look good particularly at night and lip gloss seems to always look good. Unless a woman has acne she will look better without blush or foundation. Some of these girls makes themselves the color of pencil erasers. Us dudes got to be honest and tell them to cut it out. If every dude tells there lady to follow my makeup advise tonight I bet we can fix this within a week.
№7 Author: joe schmoe (2 Aug 2014 04:27) Total user comments: 0

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they could have at least gave us the porn stars names :)
№8 Author: vaalaumasque (2 Aug 2014 08:37) Total user comments: 2

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most of them look much better without make up
№9 Author: Jo (2 Aug 2014 22:10) Total user comments: 17

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Eh, not that impressive. A bit disappointed it's all the same "style" of make-up, not a whole lot of diversity. People should just do whatever makes them feel good about themselves, make-up or no make-up.
№10 Author: jP (3 Aug 2014 23:06) Total user comments: 1019

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I like the most of the girls also without the makeup, except for #35....
№11 Author: maimukas (4 Aug 2014 14:01) Total user comments: 0

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nice boobs at 5 and 6

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