Girls of Victoria’s Secret Fashion Show (30 pics)

  • Category: Girls  |
  • 22 Apr, 2014  |
  • Views: 11161  |
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This year Victoria’s Secret Fashion Show moves from NYC to London.

1 Girls of Victoria’s Secret Fashion Show (30 pics)

2 Girls of Victoria’s Secret Fashion Show (30 pics)

3 Girls of Victoria’s Secret Fashion Show (30 pics)

4 Girls of Victoria’s Secret Fashion Show (30 pics)

5 Girls of Victoria’s Secret Fashion Show (30 pics)

6 Girls of Victoria’s Secret Fashion Show (30 pics)

7 Girls of Victoria’s Secret Fashion Show (30 pics)

8 Girls of Victoria’s Secret Fashion Show (30 pics)

9 Girls of Victoria’s Secret Fashion Show (30 pics)

10 Girls of Victoria’s Secret Fashion Show (30 pics)

11 Girls of Victoria’s Secret Fashion Show (30 pics)

12 Girls of Victoria’s Secret Fashion Show (30 pics)

13 Girls of Victoria’s Secret Fashion Show (30 pics)

14 Girls of Victoria’s Secret Fashion Show (30 pics)

15 Girls of Victoria’s Secret Fashion Show (30 pics)

16 Girls of Victoria’s Secret Fashion Show (30 pics)

17 Girls of Victoria’s Secret Fashion Show (30 pics)

18 Girls of Victoria’s Secret Fashion Show (30 pics)

19 Girls of Victoria’s Secret Fashion Show (30 pics)

20 Girls of Victoria’s Secret Fashion Show (30 pics)

21 Girls of Victoria’s Secret Fashion Show (30 pics)

22 Girls of Victoria’s Secret Fashion Show (30 pics)

23 Girls of Victoria’s Secret Fashion Show (30 pics)

24 Girls of Victoria’s Secret Fashion Show (30 pics)

25 Girls of Victoria’s Secret Fashion Show (30 pics)

26 Girls of Victoria’s Secret Fashion Show (30 pics)

27 Girls of Victoria’s Secret Fashion Show (30 pics)

28 Girls of Victoria’s Secret Fashion Show (30 pics)

29 Girls of Victoria’s Secret Fashion Show (30 pics)

30 Girls of Victoria’s Secret Fashion Show (30 pics)

№1 Author: adzhoe (22 Apr 2014 05:45) Total user comments: 15111

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№2 Author: Phynix4 (22 Apr 2014 14:59) Total user comments: 5461

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um, pardon me, I'll be right back....
№3 Author: Tomaz86 (22 Apr 2014 15:23) Total user comments: 10834

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Excuse me but I found that would be better :04:
№4 Author: Gi-Joe (22 Apr 2014 16:11) Total user comments: 960

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Ms. Swift was looking real good there.

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