Facts About Threesomes (13 pics)

  • Category: Girls  |
  • 12 Mar, 2014  |
  • Views: 18898  |
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Interesting stuff about threesomes.

1 Facts About Threesomes (13 pics)

2 Facts About Threesomes (13 pics)

3 Facts About Threesomes (13 pics)

4 Facts About Threesomes (13 pics)

5 Facts About Threesomes (13 pics)

6 Facts About Threesomes (13 pics)

7 Facts About Threesomes (13 pics)

8 Facts About Threesomes (13 pics)

9 Facts About Threesomes (13 pics)

10 Facts About Threesomes (13 pics)

11 Facts About Threesomes (13 pics)

12 Facts About Threesomes (13 pics)

13 Facts About Threesomes (13 pics)


№1 Author: No1 (12 Mar 2014 03:47) Total user comments: 1621

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Done that. :)
№2 Author: cynic_male (12 Mar 2014 15:14) Total user comments: 188

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Changing hands while w@nking, does not make a threesome
№3 Author: Maxcoseti (12 Mar 2014 15:54) Total user comments: 0

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I had a "devils threesome" once. My boyfriend who thought he might be bi-sexual wanted to try sex with a woman but it just made him realize that he wasn't interested in women.
№4 Author: mobius (12 Mar 2014 21:48) Total user comments: 1073

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:80: yeehaw!
№5 Author: nisakiman (13 Mar 2014 00:09) Total user comments: 94

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Re No.1, interestingly, the only times I've had a threesome was when I lived in Australia in the '70s.

Both FMF and MFM. :15:

It must be something in the air down there...

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