Silicone Disaster Named Tijana (24 pics)

  • Category: Girls  |
  • 28 Feb, 2014  |
  • Views: 25018  |
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Tijana loves silicone and clubs. Here is her entire transformation.


1 Silicone Disaster Named Tijana (24 pics)

This is a bit later...

2 Silicone Disaster Named Tijana (24 pics)

And that's how Tijana looks now.

3 Silicone Disaster Named Tijana (24 pics)

4 Silicone Disaster Named Tijana (24 pics)

5 Silicone Disaster Named Tijana (24 pics)

6 Silicone Disaster Named Tijana (24 pics)

7 Silicone Disaster Named Tijana (24 pics)

8 Silicone Disaster Named Tijana (24 pics)

9 Silicone Disaster Named Tijana (24 pics)

10 Silicone Disaster Named Tijana (24 pics)

11 Silicone Disaster Named Tijana (24 pics)

12 Silicone Disaster Named Tijana (24 pics)

13 Silicone Disaster Named Tijana (24 pics)

14 Silicone Disaster Named Tijana (24 pics)

15 Silicone Disaster Named Tijana (24 pics)

16 Silicone Disaster Named Tijana (24 pics)

17 Silicone Disaster Named Tijana (24 pics)

18 Silicone Disaster Named Tijana (24 pics)

19 Silicone Disaster Named Tijana (24 pics)

20 Silicone Disaster Named Tijana (24 pics)

21 Silicone Disaster Named Tijana (24 pics)

22 Silicone Disaster Named Tijana (24 pics)

23 Silicone Disaster Named Tijana (24 pics)

24 Silicone Disaster Named Tijana (24 pics)

№1 Author: 1234 (28 Feb 2014 02:18) Total user comments: 1878

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:02: pic 13....yikes :07:
№2 Author: Tomaz86 (28 Feb 2014 03:02) Total user comments: 10834

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:07: :13: :14: Her mouth looks like a ass monkey's :09: :06: :04:
№3 Author: Jericho (28 Feb 2014 03:08) Total user comments: 670

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Dobro je, nisu napisali odakle je.
№4 Author: candysack (28 Feb 2014 03:54) Total user comments: 1436

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not sure if facial hemorrhoid, or got raped by a bicycle pump
№5 Author: Hugo (28 Feb 2014 04:20) Total user comments: 0

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her body is now non-biodegradable.
№6 Author: adzhoe (28 Feb 2014 06:56) Total user comments: 15111

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hope they sued and got thier money back, disgusting.
№7 Author: ottovp (28 Feb 2014 12:41) Total user comments: 582

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:68: :68: :68: :68: :68: :68: :68: :68: fucky fucky
№8 Author: saint357 (28 Feb 2014 14:16) Total user comments: 2366

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Just another example that in the land of make believe any thing is possiable :10:
№9 Author: Lu (28 Feb 2014 15:34) Total user comments: 15132

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A chimpanzee caught in a bee hive.
№10 Author: Bobby (28 Feb 2014 16:56) Total user comments: 1475

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This is what happens when you get too many likes on facebook on crappy pics. Too much complacency makes you think you look great with your new muddy tan and the gallon of Botox injected in your lower lip.
№11 Author: ovidescu (28 Feb 2014 17:03) Total user comments: 9

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№12 Author: choochwhocharlie (28 Feb 2014 18:48) Total user comments: 2136

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I'd do her
№13 Author: mobius (28 Feb 2014 23:10) Total user comments: 1073

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Why do they think huge puffy lips are cute? She was way better looking before started down the silicone path...
№14 Author: Aindy (28 Feb 2014 23:34) Total user comments: 2863

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If I saw her in public I would attack it thinking it was some mutant from the future.

Or I would just throw up.......
№15 Author: shade (28 Feb 2014 23:47) Total user comments: 1634

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an ugly duck with no chance of turning into a beautiful swan.
№16 Author: Whiplash (1 Mar 2014 15:02) Total user comments: 2

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If any1 cares shes from Serbia
№17 Author: jamesmarchbanks (1 Mar 2014 16:00) Total user comments: 1

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:20: Help!!!! Save me from the silicone monster!!! ahhhhhhhh :17:
№18 Author: That guy on the internet (1 Mar 2014 20:30) Total user comments: 0

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Hugo, Great, now i picture her corpse slowly rotting and leaving nothing but bones and a few pieces of plastic.
№19 Author: Botox_ftl (2 Mar 2014 02:32) Total user comments: 0

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OMG, shoot it, kill it.
№20 Author: alexacrow (4 Mar 2014 01:27) Total user comments: 1164

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OMG Poor little snake!! :02:
№21 Author: YeahRight (7 Mar 2014 03:36) Total user comments: 1998

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...such a shame... :15:

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