Military Women of the US Army (44 pics)

  • Category: Girls  |
  • 28 Jan, 2014  |
  • Views: 17619  |
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1 Military Women of the US Army (44 pics)

2 Military Women of the US Army (44 pics)

3 Military Women of the US Army (44 pics)

4 Military Women of the US Army (44 pics)

5 Military Women of the US Army (44 pics)

6 Military Women of the US Army (44 pics)

7 Military Women of the US Army (44 pics)

8 Military Women of the US Army (44 pics)

9 Military Women of the US Army (44 pics)

10 Military Women of the US Army (44 pics)

11 Military Women of the US Army (44 pics)

12 Military Women of the US Army (44 pics)

13 Military Women of the US Army (44 pics)

14 Military Women of the US Army (44 pics)

15 Military Women of the US Army (44 pics)

16 Military Women of the US Army (44 pics)

17 Military Women of the US Army (44 pics)

18 Military Women of the US Army (44 pics)

19 Military Women of the US Army (44 pics)

20 Military Women of the US Army (44 pics)

21 Military Women of the US Army (44 pics)

22 Military Women of the US Army (44 pics)

23 Military Women of the US Army (44 pics)

24 Military Women of the US Army (44 pics)

25 Military Women of the US Army (44 pics)

26 Military Women of the US Army (44 pics)

27 Military Women of the US Army (44 pics)

28 Military Women of the US Army (44 pics)

29 Military Women of the US Army (44 pics)

30 Military Women of the US Army (44 pics)

31 Military Women of the US Army (44 pics)

32 Military Women of the US Army (44 pics)

33 Military Women of the US Army (44 pics)

34 Military Women of the US Army (44 pics)

35 Military Women of the US Army (44 pics)

36 Military Women of the US Army (44 pics)

37 Military Women of the US Army (44 pics)

38 Military Women of the US Army (44 pics)

39 Military Women of the US Army (44 pics)

40 Military Women of the US Army (44 pics)

41 Military Women of the US Army (44 pics)

42 Military Women of the US Army (44 pics)

43 Military Women of the US Army (44 pics)

44 Military Women of the US Army (44 pics)

№1 Author: caliburc (28 Jan 2014 05:12) Total user comments: 168

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U.S. Army does no equal all of U.S. Military, there is Air Force, Navy, and Marines in here also.
№2 Author: JALKMFE (28 Jan 2014 06:50) Total user comments: 0

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Thank you all, ladies. I don't have words to express how grateful I am.
№3 Author: capt.huffnpuff (28 Jan 2014 07:27) Total user comments: 2822

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caliburc, the marines only want a few good men.
№4 Author: Fish (28 Jan 2014 08:15) Total user comments: 0

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#29 is a perfect example of why women should NOT be in the military.
Look closely.
She is being helped to do a pull up by the trooper behind her.
If you can't even meet the low physical standards that have already been implemented, what purpose does having females in the military serve, other than to pay lip-service to "equality"?
Doesn't look very "equal" from my point of view.
№5 Author: Lu (28 Jan 2014 21:48) Total user comments: 15132

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It doesn't take much to press a trigger.
№6 Author: mobius (28 Jan 2014 23:25) Total user comments: 1073

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Go Ladies!
№7 Author: ss454 (29 Jan 2014 00:46) Total user comments: 0

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you pull a trigger not push.
№8 Author: Shadoglare (30 Jan 2014 17:14) Total user comments: 505

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Oh shush, I bet that chick can do more pull-ups than I or probably you can.
№9 Author: caliburc (6 Feb 2014 21:28) Total user comments: 168

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Actually you squeeze

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