The Longest Tongue in the World (19 pics)

  • Category: Girls  |
  • 21 Nov, 2012  |
  • Views: 23190  |
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California student Chanel Tapper has the world's longest tongue. It's 3.8 in (9.6 cm) long.

1 The Longest Tongue in the World (19 pics)

2 The Longest Tongue in the World (19 pics)

3 The Longest Tongue in the World (19 pics)

4 The Longest Tongue in the World (19 pics)

5 The Longest Tongue in the World (19 pics)

6 The Longest Tongue in the World (19 pics)

7 The Longest Tongue in the World (19 pics)

8 The Longest Tongue in the World (19 pics)

9 The Longest Tongue in the World (19 pics)

10 The Longest Tongue in the World (19 pics)

11 The Longest Tongue in the World (19 pics)

12 The Longest Tongue in the World (19 pics)

13 The Longest Tongue in the World (19 pics)

14 The Longest Tongue in the World (19 pics)

15 The Longest Tongue in the World (19 pics)

16 The Longest Tongue in the World (19 pics)

17 The Longest Tongue in the World (19 pics)

18 The Longest Tongue in the World (19 pics)

19 The Longest Tongue in the World (19 pics)

№1 Author: bowlervtec (21 Nov 2012 02:36) Total user comments: 1466

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ok, ill say it:

i bet she can lick a mean vag.
№2 Author: 1234 (21 Nov 2012 03:09) Total user comments: 1878

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she can pick her nose with it
№3 Author: kryptor (21 Nov 2012 03:33) Total user comments: 4840

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That's a long tongue alright, but the longest in the world ... I have my doubts.
№4 Author: adzhoe (21 Nov 2012 04:57) Total user comments: 15111

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She can tap alot with that.
№5 Author: Captain Anus (21 Nov 2012 07:53) Total user comments: 309

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just wondering can she talk properly?
№6 Author: mahedi (21 Nov 2012 10:08) Total user comments: 10772

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It looks like a snake
№7 Author: quackers (21 Nov 2012 11:51) Total user comments: 4830

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That would be one hell of a French Kiss 09 ,.,,.
№8 Author: ottovp (21 Nov 2012 17:09) Total user comments: 582

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6 comment and no1 talked 'bout a BJ? srsly?
№9 Author: shade (22 Nov 2012 00:22) Total user comments: 1634

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i looked at the pics for a long time, and many thoughts crossed my mind, and none of them were appropriate. so yeah 26
№10 Author: SheepsInn (22 Nov 2012 02:01) Total user comments: 931

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Tsk Tsk it always a female with a long tongue. This is more useful for a man! God Damit! 13

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