Interesting Facts About Space (15 gifs)

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  • 13 Feb, 2025  |
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The cosmos is a vast, mysterious place, and these 15 fascinating space facts offer a small glimpse into the wonders of the universe. From distant galaxies to bizarre phenomena, the more we learn about space, the more we realize how much there is left to discover. Who knows what mind-blowing facts we'll uncover next?

Interesting Facts About Space (15 gifs)

“Space has a smell. Different astronauts have described it as smelling like gunpowder, burnt almond cookies, pleasantly metallic, welding, and even steak.”

Interesting Facts About Space (15 gifs)

"If you average the colour of the light emitted by galaxies, their stars, and all visible clouds of gas and dust in the universe, it forms a colour similar to ivory, nearly white. The colour is called ‘cosmic latte.’“"

Interesting Facts About Space (15 gifs)

“The International Space Station is the third-brightest object in the sky, after the Sun and the Moon.”

Interesting Facts About Space (15 gifs)

“The average distance between asteroids in the asteroid belt is twice the distance between the Earth and Moon. You could fly through the asteroid belt while texting or even taking a nap without fear of hitting anything. Think about that next time a movie shows flying through an asteroid belt.”

Interesting Facts About Space (15 gifs)

“Space is only 62 miles up. For me, that’s way closer than the state line. How about you?”

Interesting Facts About Space (15 gifs)

“The Sun contains 99.86% of the total mass of the solar system.”

Interesting Facts About Space (15 gifs)

“If we could travel at light speed, it would take around four years to reach our closest star system, Alpha Centauri. Using the now-retired Discovery space shuttle, it would take almost 150,000 years.”

Interesting Facts About Space (15 gifs)

“Moon dust is so fine and sharp, it can even make its way into an astronauts’ suits. Because of its size and sharpness, when the astronauts breathed it in, it caused microscopic tears all through their lungs.”

Interesting Facts About Space (15 gifs)

“J1047b is a ringed planet orbiting V1400 Centauri. What is interesting about this planet is that its ring system is approximately 200 times larger than Saturn’s — which is why it’s also known as ‘Super Saturn.’ If J1047b was where Saturn is in our solar system, it would dominate our sky.”

Interesting Facts About Space (15 gifs)

“You can only survive around 10–15 seconds in a hard vacuum — AKA being in space without a spacesuit. You also would freeze solid in 12–26 hours after failing to get into a suit.”

Interesting Facts About Space (15 gifs)

“If somebody in a different galaxy 100 million light-years away had some sort of super-telescope, they could look back at us and see the dinosaurs. This is because the light reaching them would be 100 million years old.”

Interesting Facts About Space (15 gifs)

“To turn Earth into a black hole, you would need to compress it to the size of a marble.”

Interesting Facts About Space (15 gifs)

“It’s estimated that over 95% of stars in the universe that will ever form have already formed, and star formation now is just 3% of what it was at the peak of star formation more than 10 billion years ago.”

Interesting Facts About Space (15 gifs)

“The Sun is 93 million miles away, so it takes over eight minutes for sunlight to get to us. So technically, we only see the Sun as it appeared eight minutes ago.”

Interesting Facts About Space (15 gifs)

“Apollo astronauts reported seeing ‘light flashes’ while in transit to the Moon. Researchers believe it may be energetic particles from the Sun being detected by their retina. Earth-bound humans are protected from this phenomena by the magnetosphere.”

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