People Share Food They Don't Like (19 gifs)

  • Category: Gif  |
  • 18 Nov, 2024  |
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"People share food they don't like" taps into the amusing and relatable world of food dislikes. From the bizarre to the common, this post explores the foods that just don’t make the cut, sparking lively debates, funny reactions, and a shared appreciation for everyone's unique taste buds.

People Share Food They Don't Like (19 gifs)

"Fish in general, absolutely vile."

People Share Food They Don't Like (19 gifs)

"Oysters. Slimy like swallowing a raw egg."

People Share Food They Don't Like (19 gifs)

"Red Bull. Tastes fruity, but also fishy, and also like old copper pennies. I’m convinced people only drink it because it amplifies the drunkenness."

People Share Food They Don't Like (19 gifs)

"Licorice. Or the full name _satanus pubicus_."

People Share Food They Don't Like (19 gifs)

"Bubble tea. It is vile and not even cheap."

People Share Food They Don't Like (19 gifs)

"Brioche bread should never go near a burger (it is a sweet bread) the ‘chef’ who made that one popular wants sacking."

People Share Food They Don't Like (19 gifs)

"Raw tomatoes.

Like I’ve tried them every single way that is recommended but I cannot stand them. I’ve had them fresh off a vine, still sun-warm, and just nope."

People Share Food They Don't Like (19 gifs)

"Sparkling water. Like I genuinely don’t see the reason for it and it somehow tastes bitter. I feel like a lot of people drink it just cause it’s fancy? Idk."

People Share Food They Don't Like (19 gifs)

"Caviar. If it cost 2 quid down Tesco, nobody would eat that s**t "

People Share Food They Don't Like (19 gifs)

"I’m pretty sure I’m alone in this but I cannot stand the taste or smell of cucumber. I’ll eat almost anything, but find the stuff absolutely vile. I’ve actually had multiple occasion where I pick up a meal deal sandwich/wrap when I’m out and accidentally eat some, it ruins my whole day."

People Share Food They Don't Like (19 gifs)


Now I love your regular lagers, especially draught on a hot sunny day. I even developed a taste for fruit beers too, there’s definitely a time and a place for them.

But IPA…. I swear to Sue Barker that it tastes like how cat wee smells. You know that pungent almost ammonia type smell?

That’s IPA for me.

I love the cool label designs and names, they have all done well with the branding, but I sort of think that’s 75% of the appeal."

People Share Food They Don't Like (19 gifs)

"The classic coriander. Blehhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. It’s soooo nasty. Like soapy soil."

People Share Food They Don't Like (19 gifs)

"Bloody Mary’s. Glass of pasta sauce."

People Share Food They Don't Like (19 gifs)

"Cauliflower. The whole cauliflower craze with everything being made from it is baffling. I don’t want cauliflower wings, cauliflower steak, or cauliflower rice. It seems like it’s become the trendy new thing and yet its rank."

People Share Food They Don't Like (19 gifs)

"Probably gonna get down voted to s**t but…ketchup

The smell of it makes me gag and I think it ruins anything it’s put on."

People Share Food They Don't Like (19 gifs)

"Coffee. Tastes awful and makes me feel sick. Doesn’t even wake you up it literally makes me sleep."

People Share Food They Don't Like (19 gifs)

"Anything salted caramel flavor."

People Share Food They Don't Like (19 gifs)

"Beetroot, it tastes like dirt and can’t understand why anyone would want to have it in anything."

People Share Food They Don't Like (19 gifs)


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