Odd Thoughts (16 gifs)

  • Category: Gif  |
  • 7 Nov, 2024  |
  • Views: 1182  |
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Odd thoughts are the quirky musings that pop into our minds when we least expect them. From wondering if penguins have knees to imagining what dogs dream about, these random ideas remind us that our minds are full of creativity, humor, and a little bit of mystery!

Odd Thoughts (16 gifs)

"Light bulbs were such a good idea that they became the symbol for a good idea."

Odd Thoughts (16 gifs)

"Your thoughts might actually be in such a personalized, coded shorthand that even if someone COULD read your mind, they wouldn’t understand what the hell you’re thinking."

Odd Thoughts (16 gifs)

"A lemon is not naturally occurring. It’s a hybrid developed by crossbreeding a bitter orange and a citron. So life never gave us lemons; we invented them ourselves."

Odd Thoughts (16 gifs)

"I hate to spend $6.50 on six pieces of raw chicken but don’t hesitate to spend $5 on one chicken sandwich."

Odd Thoughts (16 gifs)

"It must s**k to be an air conditioner repairman. You spend your day working in buildings that have no air conditioning. When it’s fixed and finally cool, you leave."

Odd Thoughts (16 gifs)

"The first person who inhaled helium must have been so relieved when the effects wore off."

Odd Thoughts (16 gifs)

"When you’re sick, the advice you get is to literally do drugs and stay out of school."

Odd Thoughts (16 gifs)

"Given how bad body fluids and human waste smell, our skin has to be really good at blocking smells."

Odd Thoughts (16 gifs)

"Your skin looks like a raisin if you’re in the water for too long, but raisins are dried."

Odd Thoughts (16 gifs)

"It’s physically impossible to be the world’s most average person because that would make you a record holder, and the average person is not a record holder."

Odd Thoughts (16 gifs)

"A dog will never share his food with you, but if you don’t share your food with him, he’ll start questioning your entire relationship."

Odd Thoughts (16 gifs)

"Think of any point in history. You had an ancestor living at that point, no matter what."

Odd Thoughts (16 gifs)

"A pickle is a salt and vinegar flavored cucumber."

Odd Thoughts (16 gifs)

"Finding money in your pocket is receiving a gift from the past self."

Odd Thoughts (16 gifs)

"The word ‘either’ has two different pronunciations, and either way is fine."

Odd Thoughts (16 gifs)

"No one knows what percentage of $1 bills have been on or in a stripper."


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