Weird Thoughts (14 gifs)

  • Category: Gif  |
  • 30 Oct, 2024  |
  • Views: 794  |
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Explore the intriguing realm of weird thoughts in our latest post! We delve into the quirky, often amusing ideas that pop into our minds when we least expect them. From existential musings to bizarre hypotheticals, these strange reflections reveal the whimsical side of human imagination. Join us for a fun, mind-bending journey!

Weird Thoughts (14 gifs)

"Getting married just to lose your virginity has to lead to the wildest post-nut clarity."

Weird Thoughts (14 gifs)

"Somebody likely has fallen and got an object stuck in their butt and never been believed."

Weird Thoughts (14 gifs)

"Some day, Gen Z will be synonymous with being old and out of touch."

Weird Thoughts (14 gifs)

"The airport is the only socially accepted place that you can act like a homeless person without looking homeless"

Weird Thoughts (14 gifs)

"Getting fat is a blast. Being fat is awful."

Weird Thoughts (14 gifs)

"It’s weird that Ariel doesn’t understand the concept of a fork when her dad is always carrying around a trident."

Weird Thoughts (14 gifs)

"6 mins doesn’t feel like 10% of an hour"

Weird Thoughts (14 gifs)

"People think most of Gen Z is tech savvy but they’re really just tech dependent"

Weird Thoughts (14 gifs)

"The Terminator can only go back so many generations to kill John Connor or his family because if it goes back to far it might erase someone who’s relative helped create SkyNet"

Weird Thoughts (14 gifs)

"Medical staff always ask patients to rate pain from 1-10, but ordinary people were never taught how to correctly answer that."

Weird Thoughts (14 gifs)

"Our butthole can usually tell the difference between a solid, a liquid or a gas."

Weird Thoughts (14 gifs)

"Just like our birthday, we have our deathday every year without ever realizing it"

Weird Thoughts (14 gifs)

"Eventually the symbol of a phone to represent a phone will be of something that ceased to exist"

Weird Thoughts (14 gifs)

"An 80 year old man being the father of a 60 year old man feels weird even though it shouldn’t."


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