Creepy Facts (15 gifs)

  • Category: Gif  |
  • 2 Oct, 2024  |
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Prepare to be spooked with a collection of creepy facts that will send chills down your spine! This post uncovers unsettling truths about the world, from eerie historical events to strange natural phenomena. Join us as we dive into the darker side of reality, revealing the bizarre and the unexplained that lurk just beneath the surface!

Creepy Facts (15 gifs)

"There are serial killers who are really good at not getting caught, choosing victims carefully, never over-hunting, and disposing of evidence, some may have up to dozens of bodies responsible for, but no trace will ever be found. Not even bones."

Creepy Facts (15 gifs)

"Vultures circling over a house is usually because of a gas leak. They smell ethyl mercaptan, which is added to gas to give it a smell and it’s also the smell that comes from rotten meat."

Creepy Facts (15 gifs)

"Statistically, your spouse is the most likely person to murder you."

Creepy Facts (15 gifs)

"Antibiotic-resistant bacteria are evolving faster than we can develop new antibiotics to fight them."

Creepy Facts (15 gifs)

"It takes the same force of ripping 7 pieces of paper at a time to rip someone’s ear off."

Creepy Facts (15 gifs)

"You can go to sleep and wake up disabled because your immune system decided part of your spinal cord looked like a tasty foreign body."

Creepy Facts (15 gifs)

"There are about 300,000 sperm whales in the ocean. They each eat 1 giant squid a day. So there are enough giant squid in the ocean to support the consumption of 100,000,000 giant squid a year. We have captured a live one on film once."

Creepy Facts (15 gifs)

"Moderate to heavy drinking can double your risk of some cancers."

Creepy Facts (15 gifs)

"Encephalitis & meningitis can be transmitted by sharing a joint or a slice of pizza or a beer or just inhaling a sneeze. 40% mortality rate — or worse. "

Creepy Facts (15 gifs)

"If you end up needing to give someone CPR, there’s about an 88% chance that it won’t be successful and they will die right there in front of you."

Creepy Facts (15 gifs)

"It’s much easier to impale yourself than most people realize. One wrong fall in the wrong spot and boom."

Creepy Facts (15 gifs)

"When on fire, your eyeballs will melt out of your sockets before you lose consciousness, as long as you don’t suffocate first."

Creepy Facts (15 gifs)

"In order to properly eat cooked Monkey it has to be charred. The reasoning is because Humans and Monkeys are so close, genetically, that a large portion of diseases will transfer over to humans if not properly cooked."

Creepy Facts (15 gifs)

"Animals and people don’t close their eyes when they die."

Creepy Facts (15 gifs)

"Ear wax is a type of sweat."


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