Creepy Facts About The Human Body (18 gifs)

  • Category: Gif  |
  • 5 Sep, 2024  |
  • Views: 1852  |
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Your body hides some creepy secrets: your stomach acid can dissolve metal, your brain generates enough electricity to power a light bulb, and you shed around 40 pounds of skin in a lifetime. Plus, your bones are constantly being replaced, making you a living, breathing mystery!

Creepy Facts About The Human Body (18 gifs)

"Not a fact exactly but I always find it weird that part of your brain is telling your body what to do. Breathe, digest, whatever and the other part of your brain has absolutely no idea what that part is doing."

Creepy Facts About The Human Body (18 gifs)

"Vitamin C deficiency aka scurvy will eventually cause your collagen levels to deplete that all your old scar tissue will start to break down and old wounds will start to reopen."

Creepy Facts About The Human Body (18 gifs)

"Your brain blocks out the feeling of your organs moving around in your body."

Creepy Facts About The Human Body (18 gifs)

"Aneurisms – highly unpredictable and seemingly random insta-death."

Creepy Facts About The Human Body (18 gifs)

"As someone who suffers from occasional insomnia and has sleepless nights, the fact that something called fatal familial insomnia exists terrifies me! Basically, one day you simply cannot fall asleep anymore and become more and more insane until you die."

Creepy Facts About The Human Body (18 gifs)

"Arteries feel like al dente noodles."

Creepy Facts About The Human Body (18 gifs)

"You have about a kilogram of fungus, bacteria and mites that you carry around with you on a day to day basis.

So if you ever feel alone remember that."

Creepy Facts About The Human Body (18 gifs)

"Spent too long in this thread, now I’m scared to move"

Creepy Facts About The Human Body (18 gifs)

"No matter how hard you strain, its estimated you only use about 60% of your full strength. This is not due to weakness of muscle but your brain. The disturbing part? If your brain didn’t stop you, you could tear your own ligaments, muscles, tendons and break your own bones trying to throw a ball “as hard as you can”"

Creepy Facts About The Human Body (18 gifs)

"You can be reset by even minor brain trauma."

Creepy Facts About The Human Body (18 gifs)

"Most disturbing fact for me is : Hormones in your brain drastically affect who you are as a person. Nothing you can do about,not your mind, intelligence or will power, you are a slave to your brain chemistry."

Creepy Facts About The Human Body (18 gifs)

"Once your immune system finds out you have eyes, you’re blind."

Creepy Facts About The Human Body (18 gifs)

"Not so much disturbing, but the fact that your nose is always in your line of sight and your brain just pretty much ignores it."

Creepy Facts About The Human Body (18 gifs)

"You can have two thirds of your liver removed, and it’ll regenerate itself."

Creepy Facts About The Human Body (18 gifs)

"Your d**k is twice as long just half of it is in your body"

Creepy Facts About The Human Body (18 gifs)

"The mind has the mind of its own."

Creepy Facts About The Human Body (18 gifs)

"If you have abdominal surgery and they have to take out your intestines, they put them into a bowl next to you while they work and your intestines wiggle around in the bowl like snakes the whole time. Then when it’s time to put your guts back in, they just kind of stuff them in there and let them snake-wiggle themselves back into place."

Creepy Facts About The Human Body (18 gifs)

"You are a giant tube which plants and animals pass through."


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