Creepy Facts (27 gifs)

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  • 23 Aug, 2024  |
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"Creepy facts" delve into unsettling and eerie tidbits that intrigue and chill. From bizarre historical events to strange phenomena, these unsettling truths stir curiosity and sometimes fear. They offer a glimpse into the darker side of reality, perfect for those who enjoy a spine-tingling thrill.

Creepy Facts (27 gifs)

“Every time you walk into a stinky public bathroom, you are inhaling tiny bits of strangers’ poop.”

Creepy Facts (27 gifs)

“Parrots often bond with a keeper, from their perspective, as a lifelong romantic partner. If the person dies, or the parrot is displaced, they can go into massive depression and pluck out their own feathers.”

Creepy Facts (27 gifs)

"Beaver anal glands secrete goo that’s used to make vanilla flavoring."

Creepy Facts (27 gifs)

“Every single fig has had at least one wasp die inside it. These are known as fig wasps. Fig wasps are necessary for pollination, nutrients, and wasp power.”

Creepy Facts (27 gifs)

“There is a phenomenon known as “stone baby” where a fetus dies and doesn’t get absorbed by the body. Instead, the fetus calcifies inside the mother’s abdomen. People have been known to carry around these mummified fetuses for 40 years, totally unaware.”

Creepy Facts (27 gifs)

“Mary Shelley, the author of Frankenstein, allegedly lost her virginity right on her mother’s grave.”

Creepy Facts (27 gifs)

“Barcode scanners scan the white parts, not the black.”

Creepy Facts (27 gifs)

“We consume about five grams of microplastics every week. This is roughly the equivalent to eating an entire credit card.”

Creepy Facts (27 gifs)

“Since the eyes and nose are connected, blood from a nose bleed can travel to your tear ducts and start draining from there.”

Creepy Facts (27 gifs)

“If you have an intestinal blockage, you can burp up farts. It’s called feculent vomiting, and it’s basically just throwing up your own poop.”

Creepy Facts (27 gifs)

“Rabbits will eat their own young if they’re stressed enough.”

Creepy Facts (27 gifs)

“No one knows how anesthetics work. Any time they put you ‘under’ for a routine operation, there’s currently no scientific explanation for why you’re unconscious.”

Creepy Facts (27 gifs)

“You don’t know if there is a secret everybody knows except you.”

Creepy Facts (27 gifs)

"If it feels threatened, a Fulmar Chick will spew sticky vomit at their enemy, which is typically another bird. This bird will try to wash off in the ocean, only to drown due to the sticky/oily texture causing their wings to stick together."

Creepy Facts (27 gifs)

"Unborn babies grow mustaches in teh womb that eventually spread and cover their entire body. The baby then eats the hair and excretes it after birth with their first bowel movement."

Creepy Facts (27 gifs)

"Every day, a person consumes around 1 to 2 cups of snot."

Creepy Facts (27 gifs)

"Your bed can have up to 10 million dust mites."

Creepy Facts (27 gifs)

"A person sweats around 1 cup per day."

Creepy Facts (27 gifs)

"The Zoroastrians leave their dead in special towers to be eaten by vultures."

Creepy Facts (27 gifs)

"Aztec priests believed that the tears of children could stop droughts."

Creepy Facts (27 gifs)

"People used hollowed human skulls as bowls and cups back in ancient England."

Creepy Facts (27 gifs)

"Ancient Romans believed that drinking blood would let them absorb power."

Creepy Facts (27 gifs)

"Alchemists used brain matter as an ingredient for an elixir of eternal life."

Creepy Facts (27 gifs)

"The floating specs you see probably aren’t dust but dead skin cells."

Creepy Facts (27 gifs)

"The Vent Haven Museum houses vintage ventriloquist dummies."

Creepy Facts (27 gifs)

"18th century doctors believed that bloodletting was necessary to “balance” one’s health."

Creepy Facts (27 gifs)

"King Charles II drank alcohol mixed with pulverized human skulls."

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