Weird Thoughts (14 gifs)

  • Category: Gif  |
  • 19 Aug, 2024  |
  • Views: 1055  |
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"Weird Thoughts" dives into the strange, random musings that pop into our minds. From bizarre what-ifs to curious questions that defy logic, this post explores the quirky side of human imagination, celebrating the odd ideas that make us pause, ponder, and laugh at our own creativity.

Weird Thoughts (14 gifs)

"There’s a whole lot less media portraying the future than there was in the 20th century."

Weird Thoughts (14 gifs)

"As biological responses go, going weak in the knees due to a fear of heights is a pretty terrible one."

Weird Thoughts (14 gifs)

"Sound only exists in a few small pockets of the entire universe."

Weird Thoughts (14 gifs)

"Having to wear glasses is the most attractive disability."

Weird Thoughts (14 gifs)

"…wouldn’t Ariel smell pretty bad since she was half-fish?"

Weird Thoughts (14 gifs)

"A lot of people think they’re unattractive/ugly just because they’re not in a relationship or never had sex."

Weird Thoughts (14 gifs)

"Humans are the most photographed species of animal."

Weird Thoughts (14 gifs)

"Almost everyone on the internet knows the beginning of ‘never gonna give you up’ but only a very small amount know the ending."

Weird Thoughts (14 gifs)

"You can never stand backwards on stairs."

Weird Thoughts (14 gifs)

"A tip before service isn’t actually a tip. It’s a bribe."

Weird Thoughts (14 gifs)

"Short people’s phones are less likely to get damaged when dropped by them"

Weird Thoughts (14 gifs)

"Thousands of people have at least a picture of you."

Weird Thoughts (14 gifs)

"It is technically possible to never win a coin flip."

Weird Thoughts (14 gifs)

"Being with people who don’t listen you is lonelier than being alone."


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