Useful Mind Tricks (19 gifs)

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  • 27 Jun, 2024  |
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Unlock the power of your mind with "Useful Mind Tricks"! Explore practical techniques to boost memory, enhance focus, and improve decision-making. From mnemonic devices to cognitive hacks, discover how small adjustments in thinking can lead to significant improvements in daily life and productivity.

Useful Mind Tricks (19 gifs)

"When debating someone- Concede a point early on. You will be amazed at what people will concede once they know they are not the first to do so. And they’ll always concede something larger than you have. I negotiate for a living…works like a charm!"

Useful Mind Tricks (19 gifs)

"Asking your kid if he wants 3 big broccoli or 6 little ones, same portion size."

Useful Mind Tricks (19 gifs)

"Littles are so easy. I once got my exSIL’s toddler to happily clean up the whole play room without getting off the couch by pretending I didn’t know where things went and he was so proud of himself that he could show me where the toys go.

I do something similar with my own kids to teach them to read. I purposefully read the words wrong and they love correcting me."

Useful Mind Tricks (19 gifs)

"In a negotiation (e.g. when buying a car) stop talking and let the other party speak.

Uncomfortable silences work very well in negotiations."

Useful Mind Tricks (19 gifs)

"Just promise to do 3 minutes of that thing you are putting off. Usually once you start, keeping going is easy."

Useful Mind Tricks (19 gifs)

"If someone is angry with me and yelling or whatever. I will calmly say “I think I understand, but could you phrase the problem differently to help me understand better?” 9/10 times they stop dead in their tracks, regroup and rephrase calmly and way nicer. In short, getting people to actively think about what and how they say something"

Useful Mind Tricks (19 gifs)

"Works great in call center work with angry callers too. And you always have the plausible excuse of “I’m just ensuring I didn’t accidentally interrupt you.”"

Useful Mind Tricks (19 gifs)

"As a former car salesman, this is a pretty well known move.. It’ll often be used on the customers. You give them the close.

“So you said you were looking for X, Y, and Z.. and your budget was $ABC.. This vehicle here is X, Y, and Z, and comes in right at $ABC. Are you ready to sign some papers and take it home today?” and then you shut up. You sit there with your mouth shut and you wait. The customer will often stop to mull over their options.

Perhaps trying to find a reason to not buy the car. Newer salespeople would often get nervous at this point and start to help them find those reasons.

“Was there something you didn’t like?”

“What if I could maybe do a little lower?” etc.

You just gotta wait. Don’t try to guess what their objection is. Just let them tell you."

Useful Mind Tricks (19 gifs)

"If you present someone with a limited set of options, usually two or three, instead of asking an open-ended question, you can subtly guide them towards making a decision that aligns more closely with what you want.

For examlpe, instead of asking “What do you want to do tonight?”. You can say “Would you like to watch a movie or go out for dinner?”."

Useful Mind Tricks (19 gifs)

"Mirroring/body language in general. When you’re trying to connect with someone mirror their body language and keep eye contact. And when interacting with people, try to keep your posture straight and don’t close yourself off. Keep your body language open and relaxed and people will enjoy your company more and be more likely to trust you."

Useful Mind Tricks (19 gifs)

"If you greet people as though you are excited to see them they will be equally happy to see you. This works great if you work in customer service and don’t want to deal with people with bad attitudes."

Useful Mind Tricks (19 gifs)

"If you praise people and treat them as if they’re being their best selves, and point out all the positive things they do and what you like about their behaviour, they’ll do more of it, and they’ll do their best to live up to that expectation.

Same goes for if you treat them as a loser and only point out what they’re doing wrong, they’ll live up to that as well."

Useful Mind Tricks (19 gifs)

"My dad used this phrase a lot while I was growing up, ‘make it easy for them to give you what you want.’

When asking for something that needs approval or input from someone else, think about the situation from the other person’s perspective. Try and anticipate any reason they may say no or disagree and have a rebuttal ready. Even better if you can make it sound like it was their idea in the first place of that their ideas are going to contribute in some way or that they’ll benefit."

Useful Mind Tricks (19 gifs)

"When navigating busy sidewalks and people walking towards you keep getting in your way, keep your eyes focused on where you are going and don’t make any eye contact. People will glance at your face and instinctively avoid your path. It’s not a perfect solution but it’s a noticeable improvement."

Useful Mind Tricks (19 gifs)

"When someone is mad at you, stay calm and lower your voice. It confuses their anger response and might just make them feel like they’re the crazy one. It’s like turning down the volume on a chaotic playlist!"

Useful Mind Tricks (19 gifs)

"If you work with someone who you have a stressed relationship, ask them to teach you something. Even if you already know it. It’ll help repair the relationship"

Useful Mind Tricks (19 gifs)

"Ask for a smaller favor before asking a larger one. It primes them to say yes. Additionally, asking for favors and being appropriately appreciative increases their over regard for you."

Useful Mind Tricks (19 gifs)

"One that I picked up from a friend of mine whenever he was trying to pick out dinner with his gf: rather than ask “What do you want?” and getting the typical ‘i dunno, anything’ answer and then having suggestions shot down. Start with “what do you NOT want?”

Used it a few times in some of my relationships and it’s the godsend question."

Useful Mind Tricks (19 gifs)

"Your subconscious listens to how you talk to yourself. It listens to your wants, needs, and goals. It tries to make these a reality, in the background influencing your every decision.

If you talk positive about yourself and your goals, your subconscious will try to make that happen.

If you talk negative about yourself and your goals, your subconscious will try to make that happen.

tldr: stop talking/thinking negatively about yourself"


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Wow, someone can summarize the book Bussiness-NLP for Dummies.
With great respect.

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