Hidden Secrets Of Different Industries (17 gifs)

  • Category: Gif  |
  • 21 Jun, 2024  |
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Explore the clandestine corridors of various industries with our revealing post on hidden secrets! From insider tips to shocking revelations, uncover the mysteries behind the curtains of business, technology, and more. Join us in unveiling the untold stories that shape our world!

Hidden Secrets Of Different Industries (17 gifs)

"Almost all good glues, tapes, thermal pads, and lamination foils that hold things like cars together, Are made by Sekisui in Japan. the PVB that everyone in the world uses to make laminated glass? Sekisui. Half of any given tesla is held together or cooled by Sekisui materials"

Hidden Secrets Of Different Industries (17 gifs)

"The places you put your parents, even the more expensive ones. Independent and Assisted living. Most are owned by investors who really don’t care about your loved ones. Especially the larger corporate ones with multiple units in different states. Some people are paying thousands per month for the bare minimum of care and facilities."

Hidden Secrets Of Different Industries (17 gifs)

"If a radio station says they’re taking the Xth caller, they’re not. They’re just taking a random caller.

I worked at a radio station and they told me to just get a winner."

Hidden Secrets Of Different Industries (17 gifs)

"Used to screen resumes for small companies. Job “requirements” are more of a wish-list situation. Never let some unchecked boxes deter you from applying – you have no idea what the applicant pool is like. The biggest boon, especially at small companies, is someone who legitimately cares."

Hidden Secrets Of Different Industries (17 gifs)

"Nutrition labels on small, not well-known brands can be inaccurate, and nobody would ever know.

Once you send your food product out to a lab to have a nutrition label created for it, that is the last time anyone is ever going to check it. It would take someone to pay for a new analysis at a lab to see if the percentage of qwar gum, for example. is still accurate, and nobody is going to do that."

Hidden Secrets Of Different Industries (17 gifs)

"Some plus-size models get liposuction on their face and necks to be more aesthetically pleasing"

Hidden Secrets Of Different Industries (17 gifs)

"Vehicles are offloaded from Roll-On, Roll-Off ferries (aka RoRos) in a specific order for weight and balance reasons. If you are nice to the crew and give us cookies, you will be offloaded sooner. If you are verbally abusive to the crew you will be offloaded last. Dead last. For weight and balance."

Hidden Secrets Of Different Industries (17 gifs)

"The stuff that makes movie theater popcorn taste like movie theater popcorn is called Flavacol. It’s a salt-like additive that you can buy yourself and add to your popcorn at home. A carton lasts forever because you only need like a teaspoon of Flavacol per cup of kernels, and it’s indistinguishable from the popcorn you get at the movies."

Hidden Secrets Of Different Industries (17 gifs)

"When you’re buying a higher end refrigerator, you’re basically only paying for fancier doors. Most of the inner workings are the same, just a different door configuration. I used to work in the appliance industry."

Hidden Secrets Of Different Industries (17 gifs)

"If you’re shopping online, start the checkout process and then before paying close your window. You’ll very likely get a coupon with a discount over the next few days in your email."

Hidden Secrets Of Different Industries (17 gifs)

"It’s not a secret but Hollywood promotes many lies about my job. I’m a fire sprinkler tech. Hollywood always shows every head going off during a fire. Only the head that gets hot goes off. If it’s a ten-story building and a fire is on the first floor why would the heads on the tenth floor go off. Plus there isn’t enough water for that. Pull stations DO NOT set off sprinklers. They are only tied to the alarm not the piping.

The only reason it bugs me is because it’s life safety and if someone hesitates to pull a pull station during a fire, people die"

Hidden Secrets Of Different Industries (17 gifs)

"There’s a good chance your college TA is surviving lectures by staying one chapter ahead of you in the textbook"

"There’s a good chance your teachers in school are doing the same thing."

Hidden Secrets Of Different Industries (17 gifs)

"I was told during my driver training for a public bus company, if a car pulls out in front of you, causing you to slam the brakes, hit it. Let the passengers claim insurance from the car driver. If you slam the brakes, avoid the collision, the injured passengers will/can sue the bus company."

Hidden Secrets Of Different Industries (17 gifs)

"Ever had those expensive Ghirardelli sundaes at their stores? Yeah that’s Dyers ice cream with homemade hot fudge. Save yourself $16.02 and just buy the $4.95 bottle of Ghirardelli hot fudge and get the rest at the store.

Recipe: 5oz scoop, Hot fudge, 5oz scoop, More hot fudge, Whip cream, Crushed almonds"

Hidden Secrets Of Different Industries (17 gifs)

"Dawn dish soap is the single best way to clean up an oil spill on the small scale. The US government went to great lengths to try and make their own cheaper in house equivalent of Dawn for cleaning up oil but they found that they couldn’t make it better or cheaper than Dawn already did so they just buy Dawn."

Hidden Secrets Of Different Industries (17 gifs)

"Chefs don’t use ‘secret ingredients’ they use practiced techniques. And tools, like a thermometer and a timer. Those two tools will separate you from 95% of home cooks."

Hidden Secrets Of Different Industries (17 gifs)

"Theatre Seats aren’t all the same size. Some are narrower than others – we use a variety to manipulate the “sawtooth” arrangement so that you look through a gap between heads not straight into the head of the person in front of you. That means some seats are “better” (ie: wider) than others."


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