Weird Thoughts (13 gifs)

  • Category: Gif  |
  • 10 Jun, 2024  |
  • Views: 1180  |
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Embark on a journey through the eccentric and intriguing realm of weird thoughts! From whimsical musings to profound ponderings, delve into the depths of the human mind and embrace the quirky side of imagination. Prepare to be entertained, amused, and perhaps even enlightened by the unconventional ideas that await!

Weird Thoughts (13 gifs)

"You never see Darth Vader run."

Weird Thoughts (13 gifs)

"Anyone who doesn’t think they’re attractive just isn’t their own type."

Weird Thoughts (13 gifs)

"In some countries IKEA is considered to be low-class while in others it’s luxurious."

Weird Thoughts (13 gifs)

"We have only seen John wick after retirement.The prime John wick is yet to be known."

Weird Thoughts (13 gifs)

"75% of IT skill comes from being better at googling than the average joe."

Weird Thoughts (13 gifs)

"Being at work is the closest most people will ever get to being in prison."

Weird Thoughts (13 gifs)

"You walk by hundreds of thousands of potential friends, mentors, lovers, or enemies over your lifetime, yet most times never exchange a single word."

Weird Thoughts (13 gifs)

"Almost none of the ice cubes you consume are actually cubes."

Weird Thoughts (13 gifs)

"There’s no way Batman didn’t kill someone by accident."

Weird Thoughts (13 gifs)

"In shows and movies you almost never see anyone use a mouse or trackpad to interact with a computer, only the keyboard."

Weird Thoughts (13 gifs)

"We can mast**bate to scratch the itch for s*x ,but not the itch for cuddling."

Weird Thoughts (13 gifs)

"Old T-shirts are souvenirs from different points in your life."

Weird Thoughts (13 gifs)

"Stealing TVs has much less appeal than it did 50 years ago."


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