Odd Thoughts (15 gifs)

  • Category: Gif  |
  • 31 May, 2024  |
  • Views: 1652  |
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Delve into the realm of odd thoughts! Our post explores the quirky, random, and downright bizarre musings that cross our minds. From pondering the meaning of life to imagining unlikely scenarios, embrace the weirdness and celebrate the uniqueness of human imagination.

Odd Thoughts (15 gifs)

"Guys who watch live sports on their phone while they’re supposed to be socializing with family or friends are the adult version of iPad kids."

Odd Thoughts (15 gifs)

"In terms of $/hr of entertainment, video games are one of the cheapest options."

Odd Thoughts (15 gifs)

"Burgers have an unhealthy stigma behind them even though it’s well balanced meal. (Protein, Carbs, and vegetables.)"

Odd Thoughts (15 gifs)

"It’s a shame sleeping extra doesn’t roll into the next day like staying up late does."

Odd Thoughts (15 gifs)

"We apply deodorant under our armpits but not for our crotch, although it can get way sweatier and smellier"

Odd Thoughts (15 gifs)

"Two medieval knights likely had the world’s most epic sword fight and no one was around to witness it"

Odd Thoughts (15 gifs)

"You never really hear about women having foot fetishes."

Odd Thoughts (15 gifs)

"Streaming services are one of the only fields where more competition leads to a worse consumer experience"

Odd Thoughts (15 gifs)

"Someone out there holds the world record for carrying the most groceries to their vehicle on one trip without shopping bags, but they don’t know they hold the record"

Odd Thoughts (15 gifs)

"You’ve exited a car the same amount of times you entered it"

Odd Thoughts (15 gifs)

"Potatoes may be the one food where the sweet version is healthier than the regular version."

Odd Thoughts (15 gifs)

"Some day in the not so far future, a kid will be bullied with the 4k video of his grandma twerking"

Odd Thoughts (15 gifs)

"We prefer kitchen tap water, even though the rest of the house uses the same plumbing"

Odd Thoughts (15 gifs)

"It feels weird to get a car wash at night, but there’s no reason that you couldn’t."

Odd Thoughts (15 gifs)

"You can use a computer without a monitor, you just won’t know what you’re doing"


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