People Hope These Trends Will Disappear Soon (14 gifs)

  • Category: Gif  |
  • 8 Apr, 2021  |
  • Views: 2068  |
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"I keep seeing these memes that say “I don’t know who needs to hear this but...” followed by a generic piece of advice. It’s not that bad.. but generally most trends on social media are annoying. Including most memes."

People Hope These Trends Will Disappear Soon (14 gifs)

"I’m beyond annoyed with the “no one will share” memes on Facebook. Really? Why do people feel if their stupid ###t isn’t liked or shared their existence means nothing?"

People Hope These Trends Will Disappear Soon (14 gifs)

"The period where everyone is using charcoal products. It’s really horrible for your teeth and I really don’t know about the other products that are supposed to “improve” anything."

People Hope These Trends Will Disappear Soon (14 gifs)

"Gig work and the push to be hustling all the time."

People Hope These Trends Will Disappear Soon (14 gifs)

"How recipes need to share a life story over five pages worth of text before getting to the actual recipe."

People Hope These Trends Will Disappear Soon (14 gifs)

“Am I the only one (Something everyone does).”

People Hope These Trends Will Disappear Soon (14 gifs)

“Smash that Like button!”

People Hope These Trends Will Disappear Soon (14 gifs)

"When a popular game comes out and everyone in the video game industry ONLY makes games that are like that one game. I don’t want 20 goddamn different battle royal games in 2 years I want a bigger variety of games that’ll get me interested."

People Hope These Trends Will Disappear Soon (14 gifs)

"Twitter users starting they’re tweets with “can we stop pretending that [such and such] is a bad movie” or the endless “[really good movie that everyone knows is good] is such an underrated masterpiece”. Just say what you want about the movie, stop trying to convince people that you’re the minority."

People Hope These Trends Will Disappear Soon (14 gifs)

"Astrology normalizing toxicity or/and mental illness symptoms. seeing people explain my mental illness symptoms as “just libra things” is the most frustrating thing."

People Hope These Trends Will Disappear Soon (14 gifs)

"Gender reveal parties. Sorry let me be more specific, it’s not the gender reveal parties, it’s the idea that you need to go above and beyond to reveal your child’s gender. People should keep it nice and simple, you don’t need to start a wildfire to reveal if your child is male or female."

People Hope These Trends Will Disappear Soon (14 gifs)

"They really need to stop this ###t."

People Hope These Trends Will Disappear Soon (14 gifs)

"People who talk on the phone on speaker. Just put it to your damn ear like humanity has been doing since the dawn of time."

People Hope These Trends Will Disappear Soon (14 gifs)

"Anything that passes line from “ah just a new thing that has gotten quite popular to “Being literally everywhere”, mostly words.
It’s so annoying recently that ‘cringe’ is being used everywhere that I can barely even tell the meaning of the word anymore
You’re playing insert game here? That’s cringe.
You’re on social media? That’s cringe.
You’re walking? Cringe.
You’re breathing? C r i n g e."

People Hope These Trends Will Disappear Soon (14 gifs)


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