Things That Drive People Crazy (15 gifs)

  • Category: Gif  |
  • 24 Mar, 2021  |
  • Views: 2239  |
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“My ex was better.”

Things That Drive People Crazy (15 gifs)

"Calling your partner a wrong name. "You’re so good at this Lena. . . um sorry, Carla”."

Things That Drive People Crazy (15 gifs)

"A pet coming into the room… I swear its just weird… those silent innocent faces as they judge you."

Things That Drive People Crazy (15 gifs)

"One time I found a lump in my wife’s breast. Lets just say that we stopped immediately and freaked the ###k out. All is good, it wasn’t anything bad. The massive panic it caused is something I never want to go through again."

Things That Drive People Crazy (15 gifs)

"Bad smells…"

Things That Drive People Crazy (15 gifs)

"When they tell you they love you and they’re just a one-night stand."

Things That Drive People Crazy (15 gifs)

"You hear people sayin “Your video is on and you’re not on mute”"

Things That Drive People Crazy (15 gifs)

"Slapping my nuts."

Things That Drive People Crazy (15 gifs)

"I’ve had friends dumb enough to make this mistake, but switching holes without clearing it with your partner. A gentleman always indicates before changing lanes."

Things That Drive People Crazy (15 gifs)

"When they won’t look at you at all and kept their eyes shut at all times."

Things That Drive People Crazy (15 gifs)

"Seeing myself naked."

Things That Drive People Crazy (15 gifs)

"When they are being unnecessarily rough. Sorry dude that doesn’t feel good."

Things That Drive People Crazy (15 gifs)

"Apparently the Hulk Hogan “Hell Yeah Brother” is not a sexy thing for a female to say to her husband?"

Things That Drive People Crazy (15 gifs)

"Saying “My Mother was right. It does feel good.”"

Things That Drive People Crazy (15 gifs)

"Her saying “I think we need to repaint the ceiling” so you turn to look and agree with her and then end up having half a conversation on whether to change the color."

Things That Drive People Crazy (15 gifs)


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