When You Realize That You're Getting Old (18 gifs)

  • Category: Gif  |
  • 9 Feb, 2021  |
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"Being called “Ma’am” instead of “Miss” in the checkout line."

When You Realize That You're Getting Old (18 gifs)

"When I have to enter my birth year on webpage and have to keep scrolling and scrolling…"

When You Realize That You're Getting Old (18 gifs)

"When I realized I make that grunting noise whenever I bend down to lift something off the floor."

When You Realize That You're Getting Old (18 gifs)

"Walked into the doctors office and realized he was younger than me. Was a real shock for some reason, and instantly felt old."

When You Realize That You're Getting Old (18 gifs)

"When hearing that kids today don’t understand that the ‘save’ icon on computers is a floppy disk that we actually used to use."

When You Realize That You're Getting Old (18 gifs)

"I was tutoring one of my students and I said “Remember when everyone was worried about the y2k bug?” and she said “No”"

When You Realize That You're Getting Old (18 gifs)

"Someone asked me what “a tape” was. They didn’t know either audio or VHS…"

When You Realize That You're Getting Old (18 gifs)

"The crippling hangovers, not like when I was a spring chicken."

When You Realize That You're Getting Old (18 gifs)

"Watching re-runs of old favorite sitcoms and thinking ‘oh my god they look so young’"

When You Realize That You're Getting Old (18 gifs)

"Assessing a female friends outfit not by the amount of her assets on display but by my level of concern at how cold she would be when we all got kicked out of the bar at closing time. And assuming I’d likely have to give up my warm coat as a result."

When You Realize That You're Getting Old (18 gifs)

"Kids of athletes that I remember watching as a kid tearing it up in professional sports leagues."

When You Realize That You're Getting Old (18 gifs)

"I think it was my 40th birthday. At that point, I realized that I was halfway to 80 and that the number of days left in my life was going to be less than the number behind. But it really hit home on my 60th birthday (last year). Only 20 years to 80."

When You Realize That You're Getting Old (18 gifs)

"When I told people my partner was pregnant their reaction was “Congratulations!” rather than “Oh ###t”."

When You Realize That You're Getting Old (18 gifs)

"I'm 33 and my 8 yr old son asked me how I enjoyed tv when it was black and white… Second time when my 7yr old daughter told me to “please stop” when I was singing along to music on the radio because I was embarrassing. Now that I think about that one maybe I was just singing badly lol."

When You Realize That You're Getting Old (18 gifs)

"When I bought my first washing machine and it made me happy."

When You Realize That You're Getting Old (18 gifs)

"My local rock station reformatted as classic rock… and didn’t change the music…"

When You Realize That You're Getting Old (18 gifs)

"When I first realized that I did pretty much everything just like my dad had done when I was growing up. I briefly thought ‘Oh no I turned into my dad.’ Then I smiled because my dad is awesome and I thought ‘[email protected]#k yeah I turned into my dad.’"

When You Realize That You're Getting Old (18 gifs)

"Movies from my youth started having 25th and 30th anniversaries. Ouch!"

When You Realize That You're Getting Old (18 gifs)


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