This Celebrity Dressed As A Hobo See What Happened (4 pics)

  • Category: Celebs  |
  • 28 Apr, 2014  |
  • Views: 7824  |
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World famous actor Richard Gere dressed up as a hobo to see what it's like to live that lifestyle. Only one person, French tourist Karine Gombeau, stopped to talk to him and offer him food.

1 This Celebrity Dressed As A Hobo See What Happened (4 pics)

2 This Celebrity Dressed As A Hobo See What Happened (4 pics)

3 This Celebrity Dressed As A Hobo See What Happened (4 pics)

4 This Celebrity Dressed As A Hobo See What Happened (4 pics)

№1 Author: noluk (29 Apr 2014 01:03) Total user comments: 327

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Gotta love humanity..bravo you two..the rest of you suck.
№2 Author: Rootless (29 Apr 2014 14:02) Total user comments: 288

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Can't believe no-one recognized Richard Gere. He wasn't so maked up.
№3 Author: fairmania (29 Apr 2014 15:50) Total user comments: 1460

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He probably went unnoticed as he was out of place, and not his normal self.

Nice experiment. Well played sir!
№4 Author: Grunt Callahan (29 Apr 2014 16:28) Total user comments: 2430

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He gave it away when he pulled out his gerbil.
№5 Author: Tomaz86 (29 Apr 2014 17:58) Total user comments: 10834

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Did not need much makeup :05:
№6 Author: Lu (29 Apr 2014 23:17) Total user comments: 15132

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Maybe France is the correct place to retire.
№7 Author: Phynix4 (29 Apr 2014 23:18) Total user comments: 5461

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well played..

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