The Highest Paid Superheroes (21 pics)

  • Category: Celebs  |
  • 8 Apr, 2014  |
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These superheroes had the highest salaries.

Christopher Reeve earned 250,000 for both Superman 1 and 2

1 The Highest Paid Superheroes (21 pics)

Michelle Pfeiffer earned 3 million for Batman Returns

2 The Highest Paid Superheroes (21 pics)

Jennifer Garner earned 3 million for Elektra

3 The Highest Paid Superheroes (21 pics)

Nicholas Cage earned 7.5 million for Ghost Rider: Spirit of Vengeance

4 The Highest Paid Superheroes (21 pics)

Ryan Reynolds earned 9 million for The Green Lantern

5 The Highest Paid Superheroes (21 pics)

Wesley Snipes earned an estimated 10 million for Blade 2

6 The Highest Paid Superheroes (21 pics)

George Clooney earned 10 million for Batman and Robin

7 The Highest Paid Superheroes (21 pics)

Michael Keaton earned 10 million for Batman Returns

8 The Highest Paid Superheroes (21 pics)

Ben Affleck earned 12.5 million for Daredevil

9 The Highest Paid Superheroes (21 pics)

Halle Berry earned 12.5 million for Catwoman

10 The Highest Paid Superheroes (21 pics)

Sylvester Stallone earned 15 million for Judge Dredd

11 The Highest Paid Superheroes (21 pics)

Keanu Reeves earned 15 million for each of the Matrix sequels

12 The Highest Paid Superheroes (21 pics)

Marlon Brando earned 16 million for Superman

13 The Highest Paid Superheroes (21 pics)

Tobey Maguire earned 17.5 million for Spiderman 2

14 The Highest Paid Superheroes (21 pics)

Scarlett Johansson will earn 20 million for Avengers 2

15 The Highest Paid Superheroes (21 pics)

Hugh Jackman earned 20 million for X-Men Origins: Wolverine

16 The Highest Paid Superheroes (21 pics)

Will Smith earned 20 million for Hancock

17 The Highest Paid Superheroes (21 pics)

Arnold Schwarzenegger earned 25 million for Batman and Robin

18 The Highest Paid Superheroes (21 pics)

Christian Bale earned 30 million for The Dark Knight

19 The Highest Paid Superheroes (21 pics)

Robert Downey Jr. earned 50 million for The Avengers

20 The Highest Paid Superheroes (21 pics)

Jack Nicholson earned 60 million as the Joker in Batman

21 The Highest Paid Superheroes (21 pics)

№1 Author: candysack (8 Apr 2014 01:02) Total user comments: 1436

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some of these cant be true... 50 million for avengers for Downey Jr, when he wasnt the main character even????
№2 Author: 1234 (8 Apr 2014 11:22) Total user comments: 1878

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:02: 16 million for brando for bit part but reeves got 250k for both 1 n 2 :07:
maybe they got that mixed up...

fyi a/c keanu reeves made the much money he gave away some
№3 Author: ACfan (8 Apr 2014 12:34) Total user comments: 0

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you guys should read through these before posting. A lot don't make sense. Support cast making more money than the main guy in movies? I think not. Jack Nicolson getting 60million back in those days is no way accurate. (especially if Michael Keaton only got 10)
№4 Author: Phynix4 (8 Apr 2014 17:55) Total user comments: 5461

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serious cash!
№5 Author: CabezaCM (8 Apr 2014 21:30) Total user comments: 106

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1234, i totally agree with you!
And... i really think that those huge amounts of cash are related to inflation...
In those days... (80s) if you had $3 millon you were a millonaire... but today youre nothing... look at beyonces weeding ring... it cost 5 M.
What do u think?
№6 Author: Lu (8 Apr 2014 21:58) Total user comments: 15132

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Nicholson rules.
№7 Author: pachakuan (12 Apr 2014 07:53) Total user comments: 243

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hoho Nicholson cobro mas

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