Betty Brosmer (51 pics)

  • Category: Celebs  |
  • 4 Nov, 2013  |
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Betty Brosmer (born August 2, 1935) is an American model who was known as "the first supermodel."

1 Betty Brosmer (51 pics)

2 Betty Brosmer (51 pics)

3 Betty Brosmer (51 pics)

4 Betty Brosmer (51 pics)

5 Betty Brosmer (51 pics)

6 Betty Brosmer (51 pics)

7 Betty Brosmer (51 pics)

8 Betty Brosmer (51 pics)

9 Betty Brosmer (51 pics)

10 Betty Brosmer (51 pics)

11 Betty Brosmer (51 pics)

12 Betty Brosmer (51 pics)

13 Betty Brosmer (51 pics)

14 Betty Brosmer (51 pics)

15 Betty Brosmer (51 pics)

16 Betty Brosmer (51 pics)

17 Betty Brosmer (51 pics)

18 Betty Brosmer (51 pics)

19 Betty Brosmer (51 pics)

20 Betty Brosmer (51 pics)

21 Betty Brosmer (51 pics)

22 Betty Brosmer (51 pics)

23 Betty Brosmer (51 pics)

24 Betty Brosmer (51 pics)

25 Betty Brosmer (51 pics)

26 Betty Brosmer (51 pics)

27 Betty Brosmer (51 pics)

28 Betty Brosmer (51 pics)

29 Betty Brosmer (51 pics)

30 Betty Brosmer (51 pics)

31 Betty Brosmer (51 pics)

32 Betty Brosmer (51 pics)

33 Betty Brosmer (51 pics)

34 Betty Brosmer (51 pics)

35 Betty Brosmer (51 pics)

36 Betty Brosmer (51 pics)

37 Betty Brosmer (51 pics)

38 Betty Brosmer (51 pics)

39 Betty Brosmer (51 pics)

40 Betty Brosmer (51 pics)

41 Betty Brosmer (51 pics)

42 Betty Brosmer (51 pics)

43 Betty Brosmer (51 pics)

44 Betty Brosmer (51 pics)

45 Betty Brosmer (51 pics)

46 Betty Brosmer (51 pics)

47 Betty Brosmer (51 pics)

48 Betty Brosmer (51 pics)

49 Betty Brosmer (51 pics)

50 Betty Brosmer (51 pics)

51 Betty Brosmer (51 pics)

№1 Author: 1234 (4 Nov 2013 03:20) Total user comments: 1878

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nikki minaj of her day :07:
№2 Author: fairmania (4 Nov 2013 12:50) Total user comments: 1460

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Can you imagine a magazine called 'Spick' today??

Certainly a shapely girl, who spent a few of her formative years trussed into corsets by the look of things. And such lovely things they are too!
№3 Author: amcjau (4 Nov 2013 17:07) Total user comments: 885

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51 pics really needed? #35 FTW

maybe this babe was the genesis of barbie?

what about bettie page?

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