"The Sandlot" Then and Now (13 pics)

  • Category: Celebs  |
  • 11 Sep, 2012  |
  • Views: 15116  |
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Michael "Squints" Palledorous — Chauncey Leopardi

1 "The Sandlot" Then and Now (13 pics)

Scott Smalls — Tom Guiry

2 "The Sandlot" Then and Now (13 pics)

Benny "The Jet" Rodriguez — Mike Vitar

3 "The Sandlot" Then and Now (13 pics)

Wendy Peffercorn — Marley Shelton

4 "The Sandlot" Then and Now (13 pics)

Hamilton "Ham" Porter — Patrick Renna

5 "The Sandlot" Then and Now (13 pics)

Kenny DeNunez — Brandon Quentin Adams

6 "The Sandlot" Then and Now (13 pics)

Bertram Grover Weeks — Grant Gelt

7 "The Sandlot" Then and Now (13 pics)

Timmy Timmons — Victor DiMattia

8 "The Sandlot" Then and Now (13 pics)

Tommy "Repeat" Timmons — Shane Obedzinski

9 "The Sandlot" Then and Now (13 pics)

Alan "Yeah-Yeah" McClennan — Marty York

10 "The Sandlot" Then and Now (13 pics)

Scott's Stepdad — Denis Leary

11 "The Sandlot" Then and Now (13 pics)

Scott's Mom — Karen Allen

12 "The Sandlot" Then and Now (13 pics)

Mr. Mertle — James Earl Jones

13 "The Sandlot" Then and Now (13 pics)


№1 Author: bowlervtec (11 Sep 2012 01:49) Total user comments: 1466

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Michael Squints Palledorous walked a little taller that day. And we had to tip our hats to him. He was lucky she hadn't beat the *crap* out of him. We wouldn't have blamed her. What he'd done was sneaky, rotten, and low... and cool. Not another one among us would have ever in a million years even for a million dollars have the guts to put the move on the lifeguard. He did. He had kissed a woman. And he had kissed her long and good. We got banned from the pool forever that day. But every time we walked by after that, the lifeguard looked down from her tower, right over at Squints, and smiled.
№2 Author: mashie5 (11 Sep 2012 11:41) Total user comments: 1357

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did yeah-yeah go to jail?
№3 Author: johnny Reynoso (12 Sep 2012 21:47) Total user comments: 3712

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15 very olds

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