Florence Pugh Photos (26 pics)

  • Category: Celebs  |
  • 22 Jul, 2021  |
  • Views: 6696  |
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You might recognize her from the horror movie "Midsommar."

1 Florence Pugh Photos (26 pics)

Or the remake of "Little Women" for which she won the Oscar for Best Supporting Actress.

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Or most recently, for her role in "Black Widow." And if you haven't seen the latest Marvel movie yet, do yourself a favor and watch it because the whole cast is phenomenal, but especially Pugh.

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Here's a look into her ##xy, funny, weird-@ss Instagram:

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"I don’t just appreciate the flowers, I get in the flowers."

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"We did an impromptu photoshoot in the lobby of The Sanderson.. safe to say- I won. I don’t know what I’m winning but I deffo won."

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Look at my armpits everyone"

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"Just... chillin."

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"Whoever eats tacos without getting Guacamole on the backs of their knuckles is just weird."

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"Stay hydrated. Even if you’re flying in the sky."

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The moment Pugh found out she was nominated for an Oscar.

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"I was given a travel pillow and honestly, I couldn’t be happier."

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"The schedule said yes to a Saturday shoot but my eyes said ‘naaaaa I’m gunna be puffy tho...’ Iced tea spoons and face rub."

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23 Florence Pugh Photos (26 pics)

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