Drink beer, take a beer bath. In a small village of Khodova Plan the famous brewer Chodovar will offer you anything that you can only dream of even a beer spa. And the girl in the last photo... Well, she looks very nice.
If you are a kind of person who loves our adorable planet, this video is for you. Here is probably the most awesome video of Auroras that was caught on the border of Norway and Russia.
Miniature animals like this horse Koda are very rare and really charming. It can even live in your house like a pet. You can compare small Koda and a normal horse after the jump.
One man from Russia has an unusual hobby. He keeps rare pets at home. Among them are foxes of several breeds, bobcats, ferrets, huskies and even bears! All the animals live in peace with each other and with their owner too.
Auto Ink is a three axis numerically controlled device. When the main switch is triggered, the operator is assigned a religion and it’s corresponding symbol is tattooed onto the person’s arm. The operator does not have control over the assigned symbol. It is assigned either randomly or through divine intervention, depending on your personal beliefs.
In honor of Earth Hour the lights were turned off from 8.30PM to 9.30PM. In some cities the lights were totally turned off, in others not. But anyway, it is really amazing that so many people did participate in the Earth Hour