Oreo Is The World's First Cat Nurse (6 pics)

  • Category: Pics  |
  • 20 Mar, 2017  |
  • Views: 2250  |
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Oreo is a cat nurse, and everybody loves her.

Meet Oreo, the stray cat who somehow found her way into a nursing home – and decided to work there

1 Oreo Is The World's First Cat Nurse (6 pics)

“She’s like the family here. She helps the residents, she helps the employees, and we just love her”

2 Oreo Is The World's First Cat Nurse (6 pics)

“Most of the people we serve here had pets… so to have Oreo here… to be able to come out and pet the cat…”

3 Oreo Is The World's First Cat Nurse (6 pics)

“And see how the cat is doing… it brings… those feelings of home”

4 Oreo Is The World's First Cat Nurse (6 pics)

“Oh look, Oreo is at the reception desk, answering the phone, because it’s after hours…”

5 Oreo Is The World's First Cat Nurse (6 pics)

“I think it just brings a lot of laughter, a lot of smiles, and a lot of just normalcy”

6 Oreo Is The World's First Cat Nurse (6 pics)


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