Brave Girl Walks Five Miles In Siberia After Her Grandma Dies (5 pics)

  • Category: Pics  |
  • 10 Mar, 2017  |
  • Views: 2868  |
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This brave four year old girl woke up in her remote home to find that her grandmother had died. She walked five miles through a freezing forest infested with wolves before she finally found help. It took her three hours but she finally reached her neighbors house and they used a satellite phone to call for help.

1 Brave Girl Walks Five Miles In Siberia After Her Grandma Dies (5 pics)

2 Brave Girl Walks Five Miles In Siberia After Her Grandma Dies (5 pics)

3 Brave Girl Walks Five Miles In Siberia After Her Grandma Dies (5 pics)

4 Brave Girl Walks Five Miles In Siberia After Her Grandma Dies (5 pics)

5 Brave Girl Walks Five Miles In Siberia After Her Grandma Dies (5 pics)

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