Funny Reasons Why The French Language Is The Worst (25 pics)

  • Category: Pics  |
  • 1 Feb, 2017  |
  • Views: 5440  |
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They say that French is the language of love, but it also happens to be the language of a lot of other things as well.

1 Funny Reasons Why The French Language Is The Worst (25 pics)

2 Funny Reasons Why The French Language Is The Worst (25 pics)

3 Funny Reasons Why The French Language Is The Worst (25 pics)

4 Funny Reasons Why The French Language Is The Worst (25 pics)

5 Funny Reasons Why The French Language Is The Worst (25 pics)

6 Funny Reasons Why The French Language Is The Worst (25 pics)

7 Funny Reasons Why The French Language Is The Worst (25 pics)

8 Funny Reasons Why The French Language Is The Worst (25 pics)

9 Funny Reasons Why The French Language Is The Worst (25 pics)

10 Funny Reasons Why The French Language Is The Worst (25 pics)

11 Funny Reasons Why The French Language Is The Worst (25 pics)

12 Funny Reasons Why The French Language Is The Worst (25 pics)

13 Funny Reasons Why The French Language Is The Worst (25 pics)

14 Funny Reasons Why The French Language Is The Worst (25 pics)

15 Funny Reasons Why The French Language Is The Worst (25 pics)

16 Funny Reasons Why The French Language Is The Worst (25 pics)

17 Funny Reasons Why The French Language Is The Worst (25 pics)

18 Funny Reasons Why The French Language Is The Worst (25 pics)

19 Funny Reasons Why The French Language Is The Worst (25 pics)

20 Funny Reasons Why The French Language Is The Worst (25 pics)

21 Funny Reasons Why The French Language Is The Worst (25 pics)

22 Funny Reasons Why The French Language Is The Worst (25 pics)

23 Funny Reasons Why The French Language Is The Worst (25 pics)

24 Funny Reasons Why The French Language Is The Worst (25 pics)

25 Funny Reasons Why The French Language Is The Worst (25 pics)

№1 Author: hugo31 (1 Feb 2017 04:35) Total user comments: 530

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#14 the word is Orgasme, petite mort is slang.

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