The Shared Bike Situation In China Has Turned Chaotic (4 pics)

  • Category: Pics  |
  • 20 Jan, 2017  |
  • Views: 3708  |
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Shared bike services have become quite popular in major cities over the years, but bike sharing companies in China are discovering that their bikes aren't being treated with respect. People have been using them and dumping them in one large pile, making it inconvenient for people who want to use the service.

1 The Shared Bike Situation In China Has Turned Chaotic (4 pics)

2 The Shared Bike Situation In China Has Turned Chaotic (4 pics)

3 The Shared Bike Situation In China Has Turned Chaotic (4 pics)

4 The Shared Bike Situation In China Has Turned Chaotic (4 pics)

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