Jealous Boyfriend Uses Fake Snapchat Account To Catch Cheating Girlfriend (4 pics)

  • Category: Pics  |
  • 5 Dec, 2016  |
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When this guy started having suspicions that his girlfriend was cheating on him, he took to Snapchat to find answers.

Using his friend’s photos, the sneaky boyfriend coaxed his unsuspecting girlfriend into sending racy pictures to the fake Snapchat account.

1 Jealous Boyfriend Uses Fake Snapchat Account To Catch Cheating Girlfriend (4 pics)

At first, the man merely chatted with his girlfriend, wondering how far she would go with a guy who wasn’t her boyfriend. But, as the conversations started heating up, the cold-hearted cheater began sending her mystery guy half-naked selfies.

2 Jealous Boyfriend Uses Fake Snapchat Account To Catch Cheating Girlfriend (4 pics)

Little did she know that those sultry photos were being saved…by her own boyfriend.

3 Jealous Boyfriend Uses Fake Snapchat Account To Catch Cheating Girlfriend (4 pics)

When the jilted boyfriend finally decided he’d had enough, he created a Facebook album full of all his cheating ex’s semi-nude photos and shared them with all his friends.

4 Jealous Boyfriend Uses Fake Snapchat Account To Catch Cheating Girlfriend (4 pics)


№1 Author: MartinEssex (5 Dec 2016 16:12) Total user comments: 109

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