Some People Say That The U.S. Government Poked A Hole In Space And Time (5 pics)

  • Category: Pics  |
  • 15 Sep, 2016  |
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Did you know that the Netflix show "Stranger Things" took inspiration from a government conspiracy called the Montauk Project? According to some people who claim to have been involved with the project, the things you see in "Stranger Things" might not be as strange as you think.

While the conspiracy theory of the Montauk Project breaks down into many different individual theories, the main thread is that the U.S. government managed to create an interdimensional portal in the space-time continuum back in the 1980s.

1 Some People Say That The U.S. Government Poked A Hole In Space And Time (5 pics)

But they didn't do it alone. They had assistance from secret technology left behind by Nikola Tesla (and some helpful aliens, of course).

2 Some People Say That The U.S. Government Poked A Hole In Space And Time (5 pics)

Most of the "evidence" for the Montauk Project comes from a book of the same name written by Preston B. Nichols and Peter Moon. While the book does make some fantastic claims, it falls quite short on providing any actual evidence for the events it describes.

3 Some People Say That The U.S. Government Poked A Hole In Space And Time (5 pics)

While there are many to choose from, the favorite Montauk Project conspiracy theory is the so-called Philadelphia Experiment. According to witnesses, scientists were nearly able to transport an entire ship between 1943 and 1983. Allegedly, the ship got stuck somewhere in space-time, but two men managed to successfully make the journey.

4 Some People Say That The U.S. Government Poked A Hole In Space And Time (5 pics)

While tales of interdimensional travel and secret government technologies might sound interesting, it's important to keep in mind that there is no hard proof behind any of these stories.

5 Some People Say That The U.S. Government Poked A Hole In Space And Time (5 pics)

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№1 Author: No1 (16 Sep 2016 01:56) Total user comments: 1621

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Friends don't lie.
№2 Author: rostit (16 Sep 2016 17:41) Total user comments: 465

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Those people are morons or unintelligent. The US government is made up of people who werent smart enough to get jobs in the private sector making real money. The government on the other hand has tons of students who barely passed or barely know what they are doing.

The only hole the government ever poked was in its own head.

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