Man Takes In Two Foxes To Keep As Pets (10 pics)

  • Category: Pics  |
  • 2 May, 2016  |
  • Views: 3426  |
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When Patsy Gibbons of Kilkenny, Ireland came across two little fox cubs that had been abandoned by their mother he couldn't just leave them there to fend for themselves. He decided to take them in and show them the love they deserve and now they live a very happy life.

1 Man Takes In Two Foxes To Keep As Pets (10 pics)

2 Man Takes In Two Foxes To Keep As Pets (10 pics)

3 Man Takes In Two Foxes To Keep As Pets (10 pics)

4 Man Takes In Two Foxes To Keep As Pets (10 pics)

5 Man Takes In Two Foxes To Keep As Pets (10 pics)

6 Man Takes In Two Foxes To Keep As Pets (10 pics)

7 Man Takes In Two Foxes To Keep As Pets (10 pics)

8 Man Takes In Two Foxes To Keep As Pets (10 pics)

9 Man Takes In Two Foxes To Keep As Pets (10 pics)

10 Man Takes In Two Foxes To Keep As Pets (10 pics)

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