Lee Harvey Oswald's Coffin Got Caught Up In A Heated Legal Battle (6 pics)

  • Category: Pics  |
  • 25 Apr, 2016  |
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Lee Harvey Oswald is the infamous American sniper who was charged with the assassination of President Kennedy in 1963. Oswald was later murdered on his way to prison and he was buried in Texas. Eventually his body was dug up and placed in a new coffin, but the old coffin ended up becoming the focus of a controversial legal battle.

You're probably familiar with the conspiracy theories that began circulating after the death of President Kennedy.

1 Lee Harvey Oswald's Coffin Got Caught Up In A Heated Legal Battle (6 pics)

Many conspiracy theorists believed that it wasn't Oswald who pulled the trigger, but someone else.

2 Lee Harvey Oswald's Coffin Got Caught Up In A Heated Legal Battle (6 pics)

In an attempt to put those rumors to bed back in 1981, government officials had Oswald body's exhumed and tested.

3 Lee Harvey Oswald's Coffin Got Caught Up In A Heated Legal Battle (6 pics)

Because of the state of the original coffin, Oswald's remains were reburied in a new one. His family just assumed that the older one was destroyed immediately thereafter.

4 Lee Harvey Oswald's Coffin Got Caught Up In A Heated Legal Battle (6 pics)

Until they found out that the original was sold at auction for $87,000, that is. Needless to say, the family sued the funeral home for damages (and to get the coffin back).

5 Lee Harvey Oswald's Coffin Got Caught Up In A Heated Legal Battle (6 pics)

Last year, a judge sided with the Oswalds and ordered that the coffin be returned to them. The funeral home that sold the coffin was also ordered to pay $87,000 to the family.

6 Lee Harvey Oswald's Coffin Got Caught Up In A Heated Legal Battle (6 pics)

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№1 Author: superhanky (25 Apr 2016 14:07) Total user comments: 129

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jfk's assassination is officially listed as a conspiracy since they found multiple bullets shot at JFK from different angles and it couldn't be Harvey alone.

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