Candice was once a pretty blonde, not she looks like The Incredible Hulk.
Englishwoman Candice Armstrong, 28, was once a skinny, pretty blonde.
Now she’s a buff brunette, with some negative side-effects.
“I hated my body,” she said. “My hips and legs were too big and my arms and torso too skinny. I thought I was out of proportion and not attractive. I’d never had a proper relationship with a man.”
When she wasn’t satisfied with the improvements she was seeing, Armstrong turned to steroids. She soon became addicted to daily doses of Trenbolone.
The results were disastrous. Armstrong, who hails from Walthamstow in East London, began to develop masculine features including excess body hair and acne.
Her clitoris also swelled to the point that it resembled a penis.
“That has gone significantly bigger, yes,” she said. “About an inch [long] and it's shaped like a little penis.”
“Now I look like a man and I hate it. Even my own mother has told me I’m not pretty anymore,” she said. "I don’t want to become a man, I just want to be normal. I stopped having any sort of sex drive for men. I tried having sex with a girl, but that didn’t do anything for me either. So it’s not like it has turned me lesbian.”
Despite all the negative consequences, Armstrong says she doesn’t plan on curbing her steroid use.
“I think it would do more harm than good, she said, according to the Daily Mail. “I'd lose all the muscles but I wouldn't lose all the masculine qualities like the facial hair and the deep voice...It doesn't really go back.”
“The problem is I’m still big down below and now I’ve got all these manly problems,” Armstrong said. “It’s like the worst of both worlds. I feel like I’m trapped in the middle. On my top half I see a slim, athletic male and on my bottom half I see a fat woman.”
Armstrong now dresses in men’s clothing in order to avoid being mistaken for a man in drag. She also avoids using the women’s restroom.