How You Act On The Internet Compared To How You Act In Real Life (19 pics)

  • Category: Pics  |
  • 12 Oct, 2015  |
  • Views: 9135  |
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There are a lot of people out there who try to use the Internet to make themselves look a lot cooler than they actually are. These pictures perfect sum up their attempts to fool the world.

1 How You Act On The Internet Compared To How You Act In Real Life (19 pics)

2 How You Act On The Internet Compared To How You Act In Real Life (19 pics)

3 How You Act On The Internet Compared To How You Act In Real Life (19 pics)

4 How You Act On The Internet Compared To How You Act In Real Life (19 pics)

5 How You Act On The Internet Compared To How You Act In Real Life (19 pics)

6 How You Act On The Internet Compared To How You Act In Real Life (19 pics)

7 How You Act On The Internet Compared To How You Act In Real Life (19 pics)

8 How You Act On The Internet Compared To How You Act In Real Life (19 pics)

9 How You Act On The Internet Compared To How You Act In Real Life (19 pics)

10 How You Act On The Internet Compared To How You Act In Real Life (19 pics)

11 How You Act On The Internet Compared To How You Act In Real Life (19 pics)

12 How You Act On The Internet Compared To How You Act In Real Life (19 pics)

13 How You Act On The Internet Compared To How You Act In Real Life (19 pics)

14 How You Act On The Internet Compared To How You Act In Real Life (19 pics)

15 How You Act On The Internet Compared To How You Act In Real Life (19 pics)

16 How You Act On The Internet Compared To How You Act In Real Life (19 pics)

17 How You Act On The Internet Compared To How You Act In Real Life (19 pics)

18 How You Act On The Internet Compared To How You Act In Real Life (19 pics)

19 How You Act On The Internet Compared To How You Act In Real Life (19 pics)

№1 Author: Tomaz86 (12 Oct 2015 16:18) Total user comments: 10834

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Real life is so depressing. 02
№2 Author: benny (13 Oct 2015 23:13) Total user comments: 665

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I dont get it 02 please post more examples

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