Dumb Criminals That Got Busted Because Of Their Own Stupidity (12 pics)

  • Category: Pics  |
  • 22 Jul, 2015  |
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These people might get accused of being criminals, but no one's ever going to accuse them of being smart.

A robber entered a firearm shop with his baseball bat and told the manager to give him the guns. The manager, being the owner of firearm shop, took a gun out and pointed it at the robber, forcing him to stay until the police arrived.

1 Dumb Criminals That Got Busted Because Of Their Own Stupidity (12 pics)

A thief was caught in the act in Iowa when he broke into the house of 93-year-old Ruth Bradshaw. She knew immediately that she could not overpower him with physical strength but only with brains. Bradshaw pretended to have recognized the thief as friend of her son. She served the intruder a rich breakfast and just as he was finishing eating, the police arrived to escort him to jail.

2 Dumb Criminals That Got Busted Because Of Their Own Stupidity (12 pics)

Andrew Kellet is a 23-year-old car enthusiast from Leeds. He made ​​countless traffic offenses, and recorded them on video. Kellet was so proud of his offenses, that he put them on the Internet. So about 80 video clips came together where he could be seen – from gasoline theft to drug use and illegal car racing.

3 Dumb Criminals That Got Busted Because Of Their Own Stupidity (12 pics)

Two robbers from Edmonton Canada, raided a gas station in Vancouver in September 1981. They tied up the gas station attendant and fled with the money. On the run, they got lost and decided to ask for directions at a gas station. What they did not notice was: It was the same gas station that they just robbed. The police were already there waiting.

4 Dumb Criminals That Got Busted Because Of Their Own Stupidity (12 pics)

A drug dealer wanted to know whether an old warrant against him from North Rhine-Westphalia (a German state) was still valid so he asked that question at a border crossing. In fact it was valid nationwide, and the border guards took the dealer to jail immediately. He now is serving a prison sentence of one year and three months.

5 Dumb Criminals That Got Busted Because Of Their Own Stupidity (12 pics)

A customer of a record store, robbed the cash register and dashed, as the cashier got occupied for a moment. He had acted very spontaneous and was unaware of the fact that his act was clearly visible in front of the surveillance camera. But even worse, the thief had reserved a CD of “Pink Floyd” by his real name a few minutes earlier.

6 Dumb Criminals That Got Busted Because Of Their Own Stupidity (12 pics)

In 2012, a Louisiana man made an attempted to steal a car. He charged the door of a stopped car at a red light and opened the door. Inside the car was a State Police detective and two members of the U. S. Marshal’s Fugitive Task Force. He tried to run, but was caught after a short chase.

7 Dumb Criminals That Got Busted Because Of Their Own Stupidity (12 pics)

John Comparetto, a retired police chief, was threatened with a pistol when he left a men’s room in Pennsylvania. The 19-year-old robber took cash and his phone. What he did not know was a police semenar was taking place just around the corner with 300 policemen on site. The young robber had no chance and was caught before he could escape in a taxi. Upon his arrest he gave a funny statement by saying: “I’m harmless.”

8 Dumb Criminals That Got Busted Because Of Their Own Stupidity (12 pics)

A 37-year-old man kidnapped a car salesman and demanded a ransom of 100,000 euros from the car dealer. He threatened consequences if he was not paid. The car dealer thought it was a bad joke at first because the crook left his bank account and his telephone number on the ransom note. The phone number revealed that the crook was a former customer of the dealership. The police found and arrested him immediately.

9 Dumb Criminals That Got Busted Because Of Their Own Stupidity (12 pics)

Two robbers came into a bank with guns demanding money. The joke was on them cause this particular building had no cash, the only transactions there were done online.

10 Dumb Criminals That Got Busted Because Of Their Own Stupidity (12 pics)

A young man robbed a liquor store, got all the money and craved a drink for a job well done. The store clerk said "You don't look 21" so the robber proved he's old enough to steal expensive booze by showing his info, with name, address and date of birth.

11 Dumb Criminals That Got Busted Because Of Their Own Stupidity (12 pics)

A 30-year old got so drunk he decided to rob a bank with a fake gun. Surprisingly he succeeded, but instead of running he waited for a bus just outside the bank he just robbed.

12 Dumb Criminals That Got Busted Because Of Their Own Stupidity (12 pics)

№1 Author: Tomaz86 (22 Jul 2015 15:56) Total user comments: 10834

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So idiot.
№2 Author: Ben2017 (22 Jul 2015 18:42) Total user comments: 2046

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I regret reading most of these.
№3 Author: outlaw (22 Jul 2015 20:04) Total user comments: 726

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last one is so funny 12
№4 Author: Phynix4 (22 Jul 2015 20:48) Total user comments: 5461

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there seems to be no end to the growing number of idots. Remember people, they are all around us, be careful out there...

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