Meet Wally The Bunny With Ears That Look Like Wings (11 pics)

  • Category: Pics  |
  • 3 Jun, 2015  |
  • Views: 4402  |
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Wally is an English Angora rabbit with ears that look like wings. He's becoming quite popular on Instagram thanks to his owner. This is one rabbit that looks like it could just flap his ears and fly away.

1 Meet Wally The Bunny With Ears That Look Like Wings (11 pics)

2 Meet Wally The Bunny With Ears That Look Like Wings (11 pics)

3 Meet Wally The Bunny With Ears That Look Like Wings (11 pics)

4 Meet Wally The Bunny With Ears That Look Like Wings (11 pics)

5 Meet Wally The Bunny With Ears That Look Like Wings (11 pics)

6 Meet Wally The Bunny With Ears That Look Like Wings (11 pics)

7 Meet Wally The Bunny With Ears That Look Like Wings (11 pics)

8 Meet Wally The Bunny With Ears That Look Like Wings (11 pics)

9 Meet Wally The Bunny With Ears That Look Like Wings (11 pics)

10 Meet Wally The Bunny With Ears That Look Like Wings (11 pics)

11 Meet Wally The Bunny With Ears That Look Like Wings (11 pics)


№1 Author: Tomaz86 (3 Jun 2015 16:22) Total user comments: 10834

  • Status: User offline
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The wings ears strangest I've ever seen.

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