Things Humans Do That Are Actually Kind Of Weird (16 pics)

  • Category: Pics  |
  • 24 Sep, 2014  |
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We do these things every single day so we never really think about them. But when you actually stop think about it, a lot of these things are really weird. Does that make us weird?

1 Things Humans Do That Are Actually Kind Of Weird (16 pics)

2 Things Humans Do That Are Actually Kind Of Weird (16 pics)

3 Things Humans Do That Are Actually Kind Of Weird (16 pics)

4 Things Humans Do That Are Actually Kind Of Weird (16 pics)

5 Things Humans Do That Are Actually Kind Of Weird (16 pics)

6 Things Humans Do That Are Actually Kind Of Weird (16 pics)

7 Things Humans Do That Are Actually Kind Of Weird (16 pics)

8 Things Humans Do That Are Actually Kind Of Weird (16 pics)

9 Things Humans Do That Are Actually Kind Of Weird (16 pics)

10 Things Humans Do That Are Actually Kind Of Weird (16 pics)

11 Things Humans Do That Are Actually Kind Of Weird (16 pics)

12 Things Humans Do That Are Actually Kind Of Weird (16 pics)

13 Things Humans Do That Are Actually Kind Of Weird (16 pics)

14 Things Humans Do That Are Actually Kind Of Weird (16 pics)

15 Things Humans Do That Are Actually Kind Of Weird (16 pics)

16 Things Humans Do That Are Actually Kind Of Weird (16 pics)


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№1 Author: loveandhate (24 Sep 2014 08:19) Total user comments: 1571

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this is all we do

№2 Author: Dune_king (24 Sep 2014 13:56) Total user comments: 448

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So everything we do is weird ?! You can make anything seem weird depending on how you think of it.
№3 Author: Magicnet (24 Sep 2014 13:58) Total user comments: 199

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Ok, I need to say this. I would like to know who made this list, because almost all of it IS COMPLETE CRAP! Almost none of what is written here is correct.

#1 - blushing occurs, because embarassment is governed by the same aparatus as fight-or-flight. When embarassed, brain releases adrenaline (preparation to fight or flee) and thus your pupils dilate to get more visual information in, digestion slows to redirect energy to muscles, veins dilate to improve bloodflow and oxygen delivery - hence you get red, cause you have more blood flowing everywhere.

#3 sex - the reason for 2 sexes is NOT the microbes, but diversification of genetic material TO SPEED UP EVOLUTION. This way, WAY more genetic variation happens, so that more potentially useful features appear.

#4 farting is not weird. It's normal. Digestion or indigestion produces gasses. You ever seen and smelled a rotting piece of anything? That's right it's a chemical process that produces gasses. Simple as hell...

#7 Handshaking. We KNOW for a fact, that handshaking comes from showing no weapons in hand. Around the world there were several types of hand signals when meeting strange people, but all of them were meant to show empty hands. Some regions had people showing empty sleeves too. Same goes for hitting glasses with a beverage together. This way in middleages, the drinks mixed a littlebit and thus shown, that none of them has any poison in it.

#12 you don't remember when you blink, because it happens so fast, that if you aren't paying attention to it, it happens faster than you can shift your attention to it and faster than you can physically percieve without paying special attention to it...

#13 Who made up the shit about shaving, I would like to know, because that is complete shit. Body hair exists to trap HEAT, not pheromones, moron. The more people started to find shelter from cold and build fires and make clothes, our body stopped needing bodyhair that much, so through evolution we started loosing it. We started shaving, because we don't need body hair at all now (little exceptions apply of course) and having a 2 metre long beard is kind of inconvenient, so people started chopping it off. The rest is just simple visual prefference.

№4 Author: Magicnet22 (24 Sep 2014 14:05) Total user comments: 0

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#14 Sleeping. So there is no biological reason for sleeping? Are you BLOODY KIDDING ME??? Your brain would FRY without sleep. Sleep is necessary for the brain, not because of development of new neurons, but because the brain needs a break. If you don't sleep, your brain simply can't function properly and parts of tis aparatus simply start shutting down. The brain runs on glucose, but without sleep, even that starts slowing down. That's why after an all nighter your memory fades, you've got slow reactions and so on. Plus it sorts through memories and discards unimportant ones. Your brain can handle only so much information, it needs to discard the unnecessary ones.

#16 The hiccups are two things happening at the same time. First there is the irritation of nerves by various things, that causes a strong spasm in your breathing muscles. This makes you breathe in extremely rapidly. The "hic" thing is actually your epiglotis saving your life, as it stops you from actually breathing in full scale. If the glotis wouldn't close the tube, thus stopping your breath intake at that moment, you would breathe in so much and so fast, that your lungs would straight up explode and you would die instantly.


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