These People Don't Think Before They Type (33 pics)

  • Category: Pics  |
  • 11 Jun, 2014  |
  • Views: 11566  |
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These people definitely don't think before they type. As a matter of fact, it appears that they don't think in general.

1 These People Don't Think Before They Type (33 pics)

2 These People Don't Think Before They Type (33 pics)

3 These People Don't Think Before They Type (33 pics)

4 These People Don't Think Before They Type (33 pics)

5 These People Don't Think Before They Type (33 pics)

6 These People Don't Think Before They Type (33 pics)

7 These People Don't Think Before They Type (33 pics)

8 These People Don't Think Before They Type (33 pics)

9 These People Don't Think Before They Type (33 pics)

10 These People Don't Think Before They Type (33 pics)

11 These People Don't Think Before They Type (33 pics)

12 These People Don't Think Before They Type (33 pics)

13 These People Don't Think Before They Type (33 pics)

14 These People Don't Think Before They Type (33 pics)

15 These People Don't Think Before They Type (33 pics)

16 These People Don't Think Before They Type (33 pics)

17 These People Don't Think Before They Type (33 pics)

18 These People Don't Think Before They Type (33 pics)

19 These People Don't Think Before They Type (33 pics)

20 These People Don't Think Before They Type (33 pics)

21 These People Don't Think Before They Type (33 pics)

22 These People Don't Think Before They Type (33 pics)

23 These People Don't Think Before They Type (33 pics)

24 These People Don't Think Before They Type (33 pics)

25 These People Don't Think Before They Type (33 pics)

26 These People Don't Think Before They Type (33 pics)

27 These People Don't Think Before They Type (33 pics)

28 These People Don't Think Before They Type (33 pics)

29 These People Don't Think Before They Type (33 pics)

30 These People Don't Think Before They Type (33 pics)

31 These People Don't Think Before They Type (33 pics)

32 These People Don't Think Before They Type (33 pics)

33 These People Don't Think Before They Type (33 pics)


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№1 Author: No1 (11 Jun 2014 00:28) Total user comments: 1621

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And the US education system has another WIN! YAY us!
№2 Author: Buster Mcnutty (11 Jun 2014 03:08) Total user comments: 202

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I don't believe that any education system can fix that level of stupid.
№3 Author: MWarrior (11 Jun 2014 06:26) Total user comments: 1024

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Yeah, it's not like any of these are obvious jokes or anything.
№4 Author: mahedi (11 Jun 2014 11:49) Total user comments: 10772

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lol :07:
№5 Author: saint357 (11 Jun 2014 14:52) Total user comments: 2366

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You can't fix stupid, it just has a way of balancing itself out over time :09:
№6 Author: Phynix4 (11 Jun 2014 17:03) Total user comments: 5461

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future Darwin award winners (please)

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