This E-Cigarette Battery Exploded And Made A Mess (4 pics)

  • Category: Pics  |
  • 1 May, 2014  |
  • Views: 4257  |
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Some people think e-cigarettes are pretty cool but that doesn't mean they're safe. This is what it looks like when the battery from an electronic cigarette explodes.

1 This E-Cigarette Battery Exploded And Made A Mess (4 pics)

2 This E-Cigarette Battery Exploded And Made A Mess (4 pics)

3 This E-Cigarette Battery Exploded And Made A Mess (4 pics)

4 This E-Cigarette Battery Exploded And Made A Mess (4 pics)


№1 Author: candysack (2 May 2014 00:59) Total user comments: 1436

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yes, when batteries blow up (in anything) they make quite a mess.there was this galaxy S5 hammer test video here a while ago, the battery basically fought back and poisoned the guy. he hit the battery with the hammer, it puffed up and started spinning while sparying its content out.
check that out, that was irony at its best

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