Propeller Island City Lodge (25 pics)

  • Category: Pics  |
  • 20 Feb, 2014  |
  • Views: 6582  |
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Propeller Island City Lodge is one of the most unusual hotels in the world. It is located in Berlin, Germany. All rooms and objects were created by the German artist Lars Stroschen. Each of the 30 rooms has its unique design. There are even flying beds and upside down rooms. The hotel guests receive manuals on how to use the rooms.

1 Propeller Island City Lodge (25 pics)

2 Propeller Island City Lodge (25 pics)

3 Propeller Island City Lodge (25 pics)

4 Propeller Island City Lodge (25 pics)

5 Propeller Island City Lodge (25 pics)

6 Propeller Island City Lodge (25 pics)

7 Propeller Island City Lodge (25 pics)

8 Propeller Island City Lodge (25 pics)

9 Propeller Island City Lodge (25 pics)

10 Propeller Island City Lodge (25 pics)

11 Propeller Island City Lodge (25 pics)

12 Propeller Island City Lodge (25 pics)

13 Propeller Island City Lodge (25 pics)

14 Propeller Island City Lodge (25 pics)

15 Propeller Island City Lodge (25 pics)

16 Propeller Island City Lodge (25 pics)

17 Propeller Island City Lodge (25 pics)

18 Propeller Island City Lodge (25 pics)

19 Propeller Island City Lodge (25 pics)

20 Propeller Island City Lodge (25 pics)

21 Propeller Island City Lodge (25 pics)

22 Propeller Island City Lodge (25 pics)

23 Propeller Island City Lodge (25 pics)

24 Propeller Island City Lodge (25 pics)

25 Propeller Island City Lodge (25 pics)

№1 Author: Lu (20 Feb 2014 22:59) Total user comments: 15132

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Interesting place, but never go there when your'e stoned.
№2 Author: Aindy (21 Feb 2014 03:13) Total user comments: 2863

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Other way around.

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