It Will Make Your Food Last Longer (18 pics)

  • Category: Pics  |
  • 19 Dec, 2013  |
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Wrap the crown of a bunch of bananas with cling film to keep them for 3-5 days longer

1 It Will Make Your Food Last Longer (18 pics)

Onions stored in tights will last as long as 8 months

2 It Will Make Your Food Last Longer (18 pics)

Butter the cut side of your cheese to stop it drying out

3 It Will Make Your Food Last Longer (18 pics)

Store apples with potatos to keep them from sprouting

4 It Will Make Your Food Last Longer (18 pics)

Store mushrooms in a paper bag, not a plastic ones

5 It Will Make Your Food Last Longer (18 pics)

Keep milk in the middle of your fridge, NOT in the door where temperatures are cooler

6 It Will Make Your Food Last Longer (18 pics)

Clean your fridge

Once something goes rotten in your fridge or cupboard, bin it. The mold it leaves behind will soon spread to your new food. Also disinfect the fridge- it'll make everything keep for much longer.

7 It Will Make Your Food Last Longer (18 pics)

Wrap lettuce in tin foil to keep it crisp for longer

8 It Will Make Your Food Last Longer (18 pics)

Reuse bottles to close up your plastic bags

9 It Will Make Your Food Last Longer (18 pics)

Rinse stawberries in vinegar

Swirl berries in a mixture of one part vinegar to 10 parts water. Drain, rinse and put in the fridge and voila! you can enjoy your strawberries for nearly 2 weeks longer. The solution is diluted enough so you won't taste the vinegar.

10 It Will Make Your Food Last Longer (18 pics)

Store eggs in the middle shelf of the fridge to make them last 3-4 weeks past the sell by date

11 It Will Make Your Food Last Longer (18 pics)

Freeze it

Take advantage of reductions at the supermarket by sticking them in the freezer. Freezing food will extend the life of most products including bread, cakes, and most fruit and veg ( just make sure you put them in resealable bags or storage containers). So stock up and get freezing!

12 It Will Make Your Food Last Longer (18 pics)

Rub an ice cube over stale bread, then bake for 12 minutes to revive it.

13 It Will Make Your Food Last Longer (18 pics)

Reduce unpopped kernels by cooking popcorn in a bowl topped with a plate.

14 It Will Make Your Food Last Longer (18 pics)

Keep older food at the front of the fridge so you can see what' needs to be eaten

15 It Will Make Your Food Last Longer (18 pics)

Store tomatoes at room temperature, not in the fridge

16 It Will Make Your Food Last Longer (18 pics)

Keep cheese in the warmest part of the fridge, such as the vegetable or cheese draw

17 It Will Make Your Food Last Longer (18 pics)

And lastly....DON't stick to best before dates

Best before dates are about quality, not safety. If stored right, you can in fact make an apple last a whole year. Check out this handy guide that'll show you how to keep your food for longer-

18 It Will Make Your Food Last Longer (18 pics)


№1 Author: Dud76 (19 Dec 2013 14:44) Total user comments: 183

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Some really good tips here!


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