Easter Eggs In GTA V (26 pics)

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  • 14 Oct, 2013  |
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Here is a list of amazing Easter eggs found in GTA V.

1. Did you spot the frozen alien in the ice during the first mission?

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2. It's the first of many alien references in the game. Someone else found a spaceship on top of Mount Chiliad.

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3. Another was found one while skydiving out of a plane.

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If you're not near it, the UFO will start to disappear.

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4. We broke into the Playboy mansion in the Vinewood hills.

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At night, the entire place is lit up, a bunch of girls come out ...

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... and there's a cool grotto you can go inside.

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5. You'll find a zombie near the Walk of Fame in Vinewood. Don't worry. He won't eat you.

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6. Others have found a cannibal cult that let's you give them people in exchange for money.

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7. For any fans of ABC's "Lost," the guys at Ready Up Live found the Hatch from the series off the east coast of Los Santos.

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8. Someone else found a ghost on top of Mount Gordon that appears there for one hour.

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9. Up for more paranormal activity? Big foot — who has popped up in previous installments of the franchise — can be found during the "Predator" mission.

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10. A hippie named Jesse — who many are comparing to Jesus — is waiting to hang out on the Los Santos Del Perro Pier.

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11. Head to downtown Los Santos and you can find a mime who will start putting on a show once you approach him.

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12. After riding the cable car up to the top of Mount Chiliad, we found this cryptic inscription on a wall.

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13. You can find a pink dinosaur outside of Rex's Diner in Sandy Shores.

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14. See this giant orange on top of a juice stand?

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You can knock it off the top of the building and send it flying down the mountainside. It's located in the center of the map.

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15. Fans of "No Country for Old Men"? There's a scene laid out in the mountains that's very similar to the movie (no spoilers).

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Head a little farther down the mountain and you'll find a few more men and a briefcase. Grab the case and get $25,000 in easy money.

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16. Miss San Andreas from "Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas"? You can head back to the neighborhood of the former protagonist CJ.

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17. There are a few drawings on Mt. Chiliad. One player found a face thinking it's Aaron Paul from "Breaking Bad."

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18. Off the Northwest coast, someone found the remains of what appear to be a sea monster.

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19. There are a bunch of custom clothes you can buy in the game for your player. Among them is a nod to Ryan Gosling's jacket from "Drive."

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20. At Sandy Shores, you can find a "Star Trek" reference "Beam Me Up" spray painted on a wall of the giant alien skate park.

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21. Want to find "Halo's" Master Chief and Superman in the game? Head over to Lester's house and he has toy replicas of the two — along with a few others — sitting on a shelf.

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