Why birds are dying (30 pics)

  • Category: Pics  |
  • 19 Oct, 2009  |
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Sad pictures. Somebody took a camera and made photos of dead albatrosses and seagulls.
As you can see all of them have stomaches full of trash.
Lighters, bottle caps, etc.
So birds eat this trash, then starve to death because they can't eat anything else.

1 Why birds are dying (30 pics)

2 Why birds are dying (30 pics)

3 Why birds are dying (30 pics)

4 Why birds are dying (30 pics)

5 Why birds are dying (30 pics)

6 Why birds are dying (30 pics)

7 Why birds are dying (30 pics)

8 Why birds are dying (30 pics)

9 Why birds are dying (30 pics)

10 Why birds are dying (30 pics)

11 Why birds are dying (30 pics)

12 Why birds are dying (30 pics)

13 Why birds are dying (30 pics)

14 Why birds are dying (30 pics)

15 Why birds are dying (30 pics)

16 Why birds are dying (30 pics)

17 Why birds are dying (30 pics)

18 Why birds are dying (30 pics)

19 Why birds are dying (30 pics)

20 Why birds are dying (30 pics)

21 Why birds are dying (30 pics)

22 Why birds are dying (30 pics)

23 Why birds are dying (30 pics)

24 Why birds are dying (30 pics)

25 Why birds are dying (30 pics)

26 Why birds are dying (30 pics)

27 Why birds are dying (30 pics)

28 Why birds are dying (30 pics)

29 Why birds are dying (30 pics)

30 Why birds are dying (30 pics)

№1 Author: deffectx (19 Oct 2009 03:34) Total user comments: 10

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this is fake?? if not so sad
№2 Author: bruce88lee (19 Oct 2009 04:21) Total user comments: 1818

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№3 Author: ash666 (19 Oct 2009 06:37) Total user comments: 1856

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№4 Author: jaime castro (19 Oct 2009 07:22) Total user comments: 420

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pos si es cierto que mala onda estaria bien para una campaa de concientizacion social

pos si es cierto que mala onda estaria bien para una campaa de concientizacion social
№5 Author: salsapopo (19 Oct 2009 11:11) Total user comments: 12723

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is it grave yard ?
№6 Author: mudassargold (19 Oct 2009 11:34) Total user comments: 1951

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№7 Author: Fuzzy (19 Oct 2009 15:23) Total user comments: 1130

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Wow... at least deffectx made it worth viewing!
№8 Author: unknownj (19 Oct 2009 22:15) Total user comments: 427

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yea, after eating poor cute ducklings, they deserve this!!! revenge is sweet 79
№9 Author: mehong (20 Oct 2009 01:03) Total user comments: 11

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Lets Give More Atention For This Case... 37
№10 Author: Lawrence (20 Oct 2009 18:57) Total user comments: 0

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Not fake.

Photographer Chris Jordan went to Midway Atoll, which is near the middle of the "Great Pacific Garbage Patch", and took these photos. The birds eat the garbage because they don't know any better, and then starve to death because their stomachs are full of plastic.

This is one consequence of the society we live in, that generates so much trash it doesn't know what to do with it.

More info at these links:
№11 Author: tapatio (20 Oct 2009 23:23) Total user comments: 2047

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№12 Author: CONtrax (10 Nov 2009 07:42) Total user comments: 0

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The stomach of a seagull is not larger than your fist. Look at the last picture. It seems that 80% of that bird was plastic. It is possible for birds to eat plastic things but not that much. Think before you believe.

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