People Celebrate Margaret Thatcher’s Death (30 pics)

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  • 11 Apr, 2013  |
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Street parties were held in several England's cities to celebrate the death of Margaret Thatcher.

1 People Celebrate Margaret Thatcher’s Death (30 pics)

2 People Celebrate Margaret Thatcher’s Death (30 pics)

3 People Celebrate Margaret Thatcher’s Death (30 pics)

4 People Celebrate Margaret Thatcher’s Death (30 pics)

5 People Celebrate Margaret Thatcher’s Death (30 pics)

6 People Celebrate Margaret Thatcher’s Death (30 pics)

7 People Celebrate Margaret Thatcher’s Death (30 pics)

8 People Celebrate Margaret Thatcher’s Death (30 pics)

9 People Celebrate Margaret Thatcher’s Death (30 pics)

10 People Celebrate Margaret Thatcher’s Death (30 pics)

11 People Celebrate Margaret Thatcher’s Death (30 pics)

12 People Celebrate Margaret Thatcher’s Death (30 pics)

13 People Celebrate Margaret Thatcher’s Death (30 pics)

14 People Celebrate Margaret Thatcher’s Death (30 pics)

15 People Celebrate Margaret Thatcher’s Death (30 pics)

16 People Celebrate Margaret Thatcher’s Death (30 pics)

17 People Celebrate Margaret Thatcher’s Death (30 pics)

18 People Celebrate Margaret Thatcher’s Death (30 pics)

19 People Celebrate Margaret Thatcher’s Death (30 pics)

20 People Celebrate Margaret Thatcher’s Death (30 pics)

21 People Celebrate Margaret Thatcher’s Death (30 pics)

22 People Celebrate Margaret Thatcher’s Death (30 pics)

23 People Celebrate Margaret Thatcher’s Death (30 pics)

24 People Celebrate Margaret Thatcher’s Death (30 pics)

25 People Celebrate Margaret Thatcher’s Death (30 pics)

26 People Celebrate Margaret Thatcher’s Death (30 pics)

27 People Celebrate Margaret Thatcher’s Death (30 pics)

28 People Celebrate Margaret Thatcher’s Death (30 pics)

29 People Celebrate Margaret Thatcher’s Death (30 pics)

30 People Celebrate Margaret Thatcher’s Death (30 pics)


№1 Author: Slugsie (11 Apr 2013 02:29) Total user comments: 1588

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OK, I'm no fan of Thatchers, she was a politician so automatically on my dislike list. But celebrating the death of someone in this manner is just wrong. Besides, half of those in the pictures don't look old enough to have been anything more than toddlers during her time as PM.
№2 Author: styopa (11 Apr 2013 03:45) Total user comments: 1538

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Human rubble who will never collectively accomplish anywhere near as much as Thatcher did in a single year of her life, 'celebrating' as a form of demonstrative narcissism. Worthless people, really.
№3 Author: Jimmy Johnson (11 Apr 2013 03:46) Total user comments: 5518

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Go ahead and celebrate my death. I won't know, or care you exist.
№4 Author: adzhoe (11 Apr 2013 04:39) Total user comments: 15111

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something tells me that they dislike her a tad...
№5 Author: Sudaca (11 Apr 2013 04:42) Total user comments: 0

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Ding Dong...
№6 Author: diver4 (11 Apr 2013 05:01) Total user comments: 6

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How sad that people can't show some respect for her family. Most of these probably were not around when she was Prime Minister. Back to the dole queue losers.
№7 Author: Nick1090 (11 Apr 2013 05:23) Total user comments: 1257

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I was a teenager when she lost power and John Major came in. No politician since her has had half the integrity she had. There was never any sleeze, back handed deals etc with her. You saw what you got, and she stood by it, unlike todays wishy washy media chasing bland politicians. The people celebrating the death of an old woman are really sad. If they were so bothered about her, maybe they should join a party and attempt to get the tories out, just saying.
№8 Author: Anon Y Mouse (11 Apr 2013 10:05) Total user comments: 9

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So I'm guessing all those who suggest she was a politician of integrity, no corruption etc etc are forgetting about her support for vicious regimes such as Pinochet in Chile, Apartheid in South Africa and Saddam Hussein (to whom she helped provide chemical and biological weapons) to name but a few. Maybe I should also point out all the extra-judicial killings she encouraged or tacitly authorised in Northern Ireland or during the storming of the Iranian Embassy. Or perhaps the deliberate and systematic dismantling of the economies of regions of the UK that demonstrated support for her opponents. Maybe that's not enough, maybe I should point out how hundreds of homosexuals suddenly found themselves to be the recipient of arrests, beatings, and in some instances, murder due to the anti-gay legislation she enacted and again the tacit support she lent to the security services who enforced those laws with violent zeal. If that's not enough to convince anyone how about the active cover-up of police misbehaviour during the Hillsborough tragedy, or the miner's strikes all of which she was actively and directly involved in.

No-one ever criticises the population for celebrating the deaths of dictators like the aforementioned Pinochet but to many in this country she is very much in the same league. She may have been democratically brought to power but she used the democratic framework as a means to enact draconian dictatorial legislation that destroyed the lives of thousands of families just as effectively as any of her beloved dictators.
№9 Author: thughugger (11 Apr 2013 10:48) Total user comments: 1015

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Idiots the majority of the country supported her then and they still respect her now. The lady has died these people have no class.

I can understand miners not losing sleep but most of these people who were not even born at the time are acting like spiteful children.
№10 Author: ohdear (11 Apr 2013 12:32) Total user comments: 0

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these are just pictures of stupid people really. Most too young to have known anything when she was in power anyway. Just using the death as an excuse to be a mob. I feel ashamed they're my countrymen.
№11 Author: yasirkajak (11 Apr 2013 13:23) Total user comments: 401

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s :12: :12: :12: sdsd
№12 Author: hhaj-- (11 Apr 2013 14:31) Total user comments: 0

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Before judging these people, can't you just understand who she was, and all the sadness and angriness she caused ? She was one of the most intolerant politic ever, she let people die during civil war, and she approved Pinochet's politic and appartheid. When such a politic women, with so extrem opinions dies, I really understand why people rejoice, even if I'm not English. This isn't because a person dies that we have to be sad. Think a little more.
№13 Author: ciarci (11 Apr 2013 15:24) Total user comments: 0

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What awful people.
№14 Author: Ottzen (11 Apr 2013 17:35) Total user comments: 125

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Tasteless... Yes she wasn't perfect, but no one is and she did a lot of great things not only locally, but also internationally. And as some of you mention, she had integrity and got things done. So she deserves some respect for that.

R.I.P. from here!
№15 Author: Eek-a (11 Apr 2013 19:57) Total user comments: 315

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No sleaze from thatcher? She was friends with jimmy savile need i say more.

№16 Author: tera (11 Apr 2013 21:28) Total user comments: 0

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I don't care if its not classy enough for those who indirectly profit from what she did. she was a heartless bitch, and I'm happy she's dead as if it was hitler himself. oh hold on... heyyyy godwin, how you doin' buddy ? lets have a drink and lets just not listen to all those asslickers
№17 Author: ristworld (12 Apr 2013 08:20) Total user comments: 6

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The bitch is dead!!! las Malvinas son Argentinas!!!!
№18 Author: BelegUS (12 Apr 2013 20:35) Total user comments: 0

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@ristworld - you lost that War. So STFU, loosers have no voice.

And all those people... they are shit. Just plain shit, nothing else to say. She saved the UK. She was one of the best politics in the world ever.

Just bunch of communist' pricks...
№19 Author: Kensington Kenny (21 Apr 2013 16:08) Total user comments: 0

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More compassionate liberals at work and play. Socialists and greasy Argentinians wallowing in each other's filth.

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